We got married with MBLAQ Application

Profile info
AFF username:  Kimjade

AFF Link: This is Me

Character info:
Name: Song Saebyeok

Age : 22

Birthday: April 21

Ethency: Korean

Hometown: Suwon, South Korea

Languages: Korean, Japanese and basic English

Appearance: 1  2  3

Ulzzang name: Do Hwe Ji

Backup Ulzzang: Jung Roo

Personal info

Personality: Saebyeok is a quiet girl most of the time, she is worried about what others think of her actions, but that doesn't stop her from acting like a babo sometimes. She is actually quite similar to Lee Joon to tell the truth. She is intelligent and reads a lot, she likes to learn, and it’s just that sometimes she speaks without thinking or acts like an idiot. It's not really stupidity per say just her penchant for being oblivious to some situations. She is more like a mystery, when she gets closer to people they can see her pure heart and giving nature, it's just hard for her to be close to people due to her shy nature. But once she is close or comfortable with someone she becomes a whole other person. She is fun to hang around, witty and has a sarcastic humor that makes someone like Joon clueless.
She is a caring person but has a mischievous mean streak that lets her tease someone she likes. She isn't afraid of making fun of herself to get a laugh out of others she knows well, but she has a hard time making friends with girls and an easier time making friends with guys because she is awkward around other females. She is like one of the guys if she is comfortable enough around them. She also has a mother like attitude and likes to make sure everything is in its place and she will scold or help solve a problem with care and she really thinks about others and looks for ways to put them at ease.

History: Saebyeok had a normal childhood, but it was lonely. She didn't have many friends in school and was made fun of almost daily. This made her withdraw from things and she became very concerned with what others thought of her. She took piano lessons from the age of twelve and volunteered for many community projects along side her family. She most often times lost herself in reading and discovered her artistic abilities after taking art classes in high school.
Her older brother lived with them until he turned eighteen, then he served his military duty and married a foreign woman. They now live in Osaka, Japan.
Her Mother and Father worked very hard all their lives. Her Father passed away when she was 20. Her Mother is very critical of all she does in life but is always there to help her if she needs it. She has remarried and they live in the Bukchon village now because her new husband is wealthy. Saebyeok now has a step-brother who is married and they live in Gwangju.
She has moved out on her own and now lives in a small apartment in Hannam-dong, located in Central Seoul.

- Thunderstorms when she doesn't have to be out in it.
- Spring/Autumn
- Swimming
- Music
- Art/ reading
- Cats
- Walking in Seoul, it calms her down and makes her feel human again
- Eating
- Photography

- People watching/sitting quietly watching life go by

- Driving in Seoul
- Cigarette smoke
- Rude, obnoxious people
- Close mindedness
- Bullies
- Being talked down to
- Disrespect of the hierarchy or to elders

- Bugs
- Summers heat/Winters cold


- Drawing/Painting
- Music/writing songs/Playing piano
- Reading/learning off the internet
- Gardening

• She hates being told what to do by someone younger than her
• She has a kitten named yunyun
• She eats a lot but never puts on weight
• Her hair was once so long it went to the middle of her thigh before she cut it and donated the hair
• She has a scar on her finger from a cut she got when she was in high school and she and her boyfriend were practicing with swords
• She has only had one boyfriend
• She has a mischievous streak in her
• She always wears her seat belt in cars due to a car accident she was in when she was eighteen
• She never drinks soda only water
• She can only drink a half a bottle of Soju before she gets tipsy
• When she has had too much to drink she acts crazy and is infinitely more fun to be around
• When she is super tired she acts like a drunk person normally acts
• She hates wearing socks
• She treats idols like ordinary people, she's not a fan girl or someone who acts fake in  front of others
• She has trouble giving her whole heart to someone
• She is a first degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do
 • She is majoring in Post Modern Music at Kyung Hee University  




Relationship info
Mother: Lee Soo Mi/55/restaurant manager/They get along for the most part, unless Saebyeok does something her mother doesn't agree with. But Saebyeok has learned to ignore the huffs and puffs of her disappointed mother. Almost nothing makes the woman happy.

Step-Father: Jang Ho Jin/64/Director of services at the National Folk Museum of Korea/ They hardly speak to each other. She is very respectful to him but thinks he is too hard handed on her Mother. She basically thinks it's none of her business and only sees him occasionally during holidays or family get-together's. 

Brother: Song Dae Sung /34/ sub-manager  at Osaka Municipal Museum of Art  in Japan/ They get along great, he is always concerned about her well being and vice-versa. She always sends he and his wife care packages and letters, they talk on the phone every month and visit when possible.

Sister-in-law: Song Lisa/36/ fashion designer for a small boutique in Osaka's famous "America Mura" area/They get along like real sisters and are always talking to each other. Sometimes more than she and her brother talk. "

Step-Brother: Jang Bae Doong/31/Hairstylist in Gwangju / They don't really talk much. Polite to each other.

Step-sister-in-law: Kim Jin Hee/31/ nurse/same as above. They are polite to each other.

Top 2 MBLAQ husbands?:

Lee Joon


Kwon Jiyong / Big Bang/ 24/They are like the biggest dorks together. He is her brother-from-another-mother and they hang out and laugh and throw popcorn at TOP when he tries to dance. They met through college and a group study. They naturally grew close after some run ins with rabid fans and the like.


Lee Jin Dae / oc/ 22/ They have been friends since primary school. At times they haven't spoken to each other but they always find one another again and catch up on things. She once had a crush on Saebyeok's brother that she still teases her about. Jin Dae is a flighty girl who loves to travel, so she became a stewardess and stays with Saebyeok during her layovers in Seoul if she doesn't want to go home to her family. Saebyeok always has to urge her to call home and speak with her mother at least. 


Kang DaeSung / Big Bang/ 23/ Really good friends. They nag the other members together and watch movies and stuff. Similar in their quiet natures. They met through Jiyong and being in similar environments at times.

Park Soo Young (Lizzy) / After School/ 19/ They get along okay. Some times they are more rivals than friends but they are always smiling and holding hands around others. They are silly and and secretive when they are together. They attend the same classes at university.

Han Seung-yeon / Kara/ 23/ They like to hang out and gossip together. Saebyeok wouldn't tell her her deepest secrets but they like to go shopping and eat together. They attend the same university. They met while doing a production in the theater.

Rivals?: She doesn't really have time or energy to make rivals. The closest she can come is Lizzy. ^-^ If any body doesn't like her she can't really do much about it. She will just ignore them until they get bored and go away.

Job: She works at a cafe part-time and delivers milk in the mornings to help pay for her rent since she has a scholarship to university.

Any comments?? Good luck with your story!


I hope it is ok to use those idols for friends. They weren't on your list but they really do go to that university so I figured it would be more belivable to use them. If not just let me know and I'll change it. :)







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