Application for BUBBLETEA LOVE

Username&Profile Link: elf_verl *Click Here!*


"Let's take a look at Your Application Shall we?" -^-^-


Name: An Yonni

Age: 18

Job Position You want: Waitress


Crushes: Leeteuk (Suju) & Sungmin (Suju)


Orientation(Asian Please): Korean


Ulzzang Pikks(5+): one | two | three | four | five | six



♥ Cats


♥ Clouds


♥ Day-dreaming


♥ Paranormal things (Ghosts, vampires etc)


♥ Collecting boxes (Designed boxes like gifts boxes or cookie boxes)


♥ Singing

♥ Pink and White colour



♦ Butterflies

♦ Hypocrites

♦ Animal Abusers

♦ Gloomy people

♦ Double-faced people


Enemies?: (Anygirls from another girl group?)

Yoona from SNSD


Thank You For applying!

*~KarokeBubbleTeaHouse~* ♥--


(You walk into the TeaHouse and see Baekho and Mikyung sitting happily in the lounge area! They greet you with smiles and tell you to make yourself at home! You sit and they grab their clipboards and start....)

Baekho: Would Yoooou like to start Mikyung? *smile*

Mikyung: Sure! *serious mode* Do you attend SM/Pledis academy here on campus? Or are you homeschooled? If you do go to the academy are you a sophmore junior or senior?

Your Answer: *Brightly* OOHH! I go to SM academy! I'm a sophmore actually!

Both: *write write write*

Baekho: *awesome smile* Tell us about yourself! What are you like? HONESTLY.

Your Anwer: Hmm... Let me think... *Thinks Hard* Well, firstly, I really love talking and meeting new people! My friends often call me Babo-Ni as they say I can get silly at times! However, I am a really polite person as I feel that you must be polite to others if you want them to respect you as well! Also, I love to smile! Smiling is the thing I do most often! I smile at everyone I meet because I believe it will help to improve their mood! *embarrassed laugh *I can be a little clumsy at times though ><, but I promise to be really careful! Also I really love cats! And... One last thing is that I can never be alone, I am so afraid of loneliness! Is that enough? *Bright smile*

Baekho: *smile&nodd* *write write write*

Mikyung: Have any extra talents? Singing? Dancing? Modeling?

You: I love to sing! Especially when I am working! I sing on the bus, in the bath, when I wake up, when I go to sleep, basically, if i'm not talking, I'll be singing! *Smiles* I've never tried dancing before though....

Baekho: Last Question is why would you like to work with the bubbletea family? Any future plans?

Your answer: I am an only child at home, so I love meeting new people! When I heard that the bubbletea family is hiring, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep for days! *smiles* I think I'll make a good waitress because it is the most suitable job for e! It allows me to meet new people, as well as help brighten up their day with a bright smile! Futue plans? Well... I hope that I would be able to help the shop become the most popular place in campus that everybody wants to go when they either want to ahve a great time, or need someone to cheer them up when they are down! *Shy smile*

Both: *bow* Kamasahamida! ____________________________________________________♥


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yogurtlegs #1
Thank You so much for applying!

An Yonni is such a bright and awesome person! :D
Ugh.. TT.TT so many good applications lol!

You sound very bubbletea family material~
We'll announce if u made it when we have reviewed everything!
thanks again! :D