Name: Kwon JaeMi

Date of Birth: Oct. 31

Age(human): 15

Age(vampire): 106

Birthplace: Bangkok, Thailand


Personality: JaeMi is nicknamed 'The Cold Aegyo' because when you first meet her, she's cold and doesn't talk much, but once she warms up to you she is very bubbly and childish. She loves skinship and being babied. She can be serious and mature, but most of the time she acts like a little kid. Shes sweet and has a cute smile where you can't help but smile back.

Even with her childish attitude, she is very observant and strategical. She is extra careful of her surroundings and doesn't trust people that well. She can think well under pressure and she remembers important things easily. She doesn't get nervous and doesn't panic easily. She loves violence and gets in a lot of trouble because of that. She is a natural troublemaker. She hates rules and being restricted. She likes to play pranks and cause disruptions. She never pays attention in class because she will just find all the answers to any homework online or in books. She can easily read people's body language, and chooses to observe things closely.

She is a very protective person and will kick someone's *** if one of her friends is hurt. She is very caring and understanding. She is very good at giving advice.

Likes: orange || skinship || salt and vinegar flavored chips || sweets || music || hats || playing pranks || skateboarding || winning || violence

Dislikes: pink || girly-girls || liars || know-it-alls || snobs || being in crowded areas || being wrong || losing || vegetables

Habits: pouts when confused || puffs up her cheeks || does aegyo unintentionally || gets violent to  quickly when provoked || yells when excited


Appearance: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Ulzzang Name: Jang Hae Byeol
Eye Color : Ice Blue
Weapon Choice: None

Family Members :

Kwon HyunSoo || Father

Kwon HyeMi || Mother

Kwon JaeSon || Older Brother
Friends: 2NE1's Minzy
Partner : BAP's Zelo || 16 || Zelo is bright and bubbly, and hates it when his friends are sad. He is childish and does aegyo a lot. 

Anything Else: Nope :3


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