*AFF username:supergenerationrocks
*Profile Link:here
*Activeness: 8

*Name: Sophia Wu
*Nicknames: Enchantress
*Age: 22
*B-Day: [01/27/1990/]
*Hometown: Seoul
*Ethnicity: Chinese-Korean
*Languages: Korean, Chinese, English

*Personality: Sophia is a mature and an independent girl. When something doesn't feel quite right, she'll say it, no matter what the consequences are. She's also what you called a fearless girl, well she has to be, if she wants to survive. She hates it when people thinks that she's weak just because she is a girl.

                        She will prove to anyone that she can do everything by herself. Very ambitious. In the eyes of the men, she is irresistible, just one glance at her would make men become attracted to her. She could stand in a room, and attack all the males like a magnet. She's aware of what she capable of, that's why she likes to use it for her own dirty deeds. She would crush anything that stand in her way.

*Strengths: her brother Eric, people's fear, men's high pheromone, speed, her skill for blending in with people
*Weaknesses: Eric, physical combat, people with pychic ability
*Turn ons: men who's not attracted to her, it challenges her. A torturing scene, dirty words, taeyang's y body (LOL..)
*Turn offs: men who smoke, men who treats women like dirt, girls who can't defense their own honor

  • Taeyang, every time she sees him, she will be petrified. Both in admiral and in fear. She's attracted to him, she wouldn't lie, but he's somehow also scared the out of her. She hates it when he blocked all of her power with his stupid psychic ability. He likes to play with her mind, making her feel vulnerable, something that she doesn't like.
  • The sound of explosion, it reminds her of the 'accident' that killed her parent


  • yellow roses
  • books
  • classical music
  • spicy food
  • italian food
  • the first snow fall
  • beach
  • ice cream (cookies n cream)


  • hospitals
  • dirty rooms
  • girls with too much aegyo
  • arrogant people
  • cigarettes
  • when someone messing up with her

*Good habits:

  • she's a morning person
  • good at controlling her emotion and keep her straight poker face, eventhough she's scared.

*Bad habits:

  • always judging something
  • when thing's not going her way, she'll do some evil scheming to achieve it


  • doesn't scare of ghost
  • good at doing house chores
  • loves to study but can play computer game very well
  • loves red
  • allergic to coffee
  • strawberry and grapes are her favorites fruits

[Things you're addicted to]

*Food: anykind of spicy food
*Family member: Eric
*Animal: dogs, wolves, basically anything big and fluffy
*Color: red


*Parents: [Alex Wu| 31 (when deceased)| Father | He was a discipline father but caring at the same time | Deceased ]

              [Lee Chaerin | 28 (when deceased)| Mother| A gentle and caring woman toward her children  | Deceased ]
Siblings: [Eric Wu| 20 | Brother | Alive]

                    Power : cutting of senses, he can make you blind, deaf, numb, etc at the same tme.
Pet: [name | age | Relationship with you | With you/family | Alive/Deceased]
*Best childhood memory: When her family celebrating on her 5th birtday, they went to a theme park together
*Worst childhood memory: When 'an accident' killed her parents, their house exploded. Sophie was still 8 years old that time.She knew that someone killed her parents.

*History: After her parent's death, Little Sophie and her brother immediately was taken to the orphanage and lived there ever since. Back then in the orphanage, other kids labeling them as the Freak-Duo. They were so quiet and unsocial. Not that they wanted to anyway.  But the owner of the orpanage was fond of them, so she gave them room separated from other kids. When Sophie reached the age of seventeen, she decided to leave the place, taking her brother with her.
*How you found out about your abillity: After she left the orphanage, she worked at a night club. When she went home after work, a man was attacking her. At first she was screaming and yelling in fear, but something inside her felt like it wants to escape. She looked at that man in the eyes and screamed 'Stop'!. And the man stop, but with a daze on his eyes. She was surprised, but decided to test her luck. She asked the man to take out the knive, and once again he obeyed. She was full with hate that time, so she asked him to cut his own throat, and that was Sophia's first kill.
If you used a picture, pic number: -

*Your ability : Hypnotic Induction with a bit of Pheromone Manipulation

  • Fire [fire bending but you can produce it out your body]
  • Water [same as fire]
  • Air [Same as fire]
  • Earth [same as fire]
  • Ice [Can turn people into ice, bend ice, produce.]
  • Plants [control, produce]
  • Hair [control, you can choke your enemies, produce]
  • Money/paper [paper cut your enemies body, control, produce]
  • Darkness [have shadows as your  minions, control, produce]
  • Sand [drown your enemy in sand, same as fire]
  • Lightning [same as fire]
  • Metal/iron/gold [turn your body into it, same as fire]
  • Electronics [control, turn yourself into robot and back]
  • Blades [same as fire]
  • Invisibilty
  • Time traveling [can change what happens in time]
  • Psychic
  • Making things come to life [Ex: drawings, furniture, only non-living things]
  • Energy [can shoot energy balls at allies to give more energy, never runs out of energy]
  • Mechanicals [same as fire]
  • Strings [Same as hair, but thicker]

*Clothes: 1 2

*Ulzzang name: Shi Zi Jia
*Links: 1 2 3 4 5


*Back up ulzzang name: Jin Mei Xin
*Links:1 2 3 4 5


*Second back up ulzzang name: Vivian Zhang
*Links: 1 2 3

*Love interest: Big Bang's Taeyang
*How you met: they have a sick and twisted relationship, always playing hide and seek. They slept together a couple of times. They met when Taeyang and his gang tried to attack her, with her power Sophie tried to escape but unfortunetly it didn't affect him, however it affected his men alright. That time, they both knew that they have powers. Sophie knew that Taeyang have something that occured psychic ability or at least mind-blocking ability, while Taeyang clearly knew what Sophie's power is by seeing his men reaction. Since that day, Sophie amused him, thinking that she's a wonderful creature, and claimed her, that she's his....
Scene request: err..dirty scene?? or maybe something about their 'hide and seek' games

*Back up: Bing Bang's Seungri
*How you met: same
Scene request : same


*Second back up: TVXQ's Yunho
*How you met:same
Scene request:same

*Wide or Narrow? Why? Because being evil is much more fun than being a goody two shoes.
Comments: hey, uhm..i dunno if i get this right so feel fee to correct


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