Am I ?

Ha... I actually don't know what happened to me lately. I bought a book about where you put your birthday date, month, and year then you count it then you got the explanation about "you." And it told me that I was always living under depressed and stress. Actually I don't really believe it, but I do for 30% since everyone has problem, right?

Then, this days. My cousin told me that maybe someday I would gone crazy, you know, really crazy. A crazy person who went to an asylum. She seems serious when she said that.

And today, she and her husband said the same thing again, and suggest me to do checkup on hospital. 

After I went home, I told my father about that and my father told me that I really I am. I mean, he said so. He said, "You're indeed a crazy person."

I have heard that a loooot. During my school days, my friend also said that to me.

And now I'm thinking, "That I indeed a crazy person? Or they just say something for jokes?" But seriously, I thought it for real. I really don't know who am I now.

... I'm depressed

I don't have anybody to talk with, to share my problems. That's why I write this on here. I need to share my problems with someone/something.

I rarely makes contacts with my school friends, let's say that we have our own way. And the place where I worked is the place where an adult go, I mean, I'm the youngest one at there and my superior is an 40s woman. How can I share something with her? And the others workers are on their 25+. I mean, the age gasp is a bit far and we can't match each other. It such a burden to me. For my collage life, I haven't started it yet.

My cousin suggests me to go out at night because now I'm growing up and need to life.

Actually I want to, but.. I'm a type of person that doesn't easily makes friends, I mean I need time.

Ah, I don't know what to do know. But I'm feeling better after I wrote my problems here.


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@beautyInfinity : Ah, thank you for the support. The book called, "Powers of Numbers" by Dr. Oliver Tan PhD :D