B type Blooded

I've been curious about the blood types since a few months ago...I've even posted this on another blog of mine but I've never actually gone and checked if I really was like the typical Type B blooded person...

According to the sources I've read... B types are called "Hunters"... do I look like a hunter to anyone? lolz... anyway.. to those anime fanatics and Kpop fanatics.... here are other Type Bs...

Anime: Naruto (Naruto), Duo Maxwell (Gundam), Miaka (Fushigi Yuugi), Nuriko (Fushigi Yuugi), Tasuke (Fushigi Yuugi), Sagara Sanosuke (Samurai X), Wufei Chang (Gundam Wing), Ryuichi (Gravitation), Hiroshi Nakano (Gravitation), Aoyagi Ritsuka (Loveless), Ten-Ten (Naruto), Fuji Syusuke (Prince of Tennis), Shihoudani Yuujiro (Princess Princess), Haruka/Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon S), Ken Hidaka (Weiss Kreuz), Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII/Advent Children), Sha Gojyo (Saiyuki)

Kpop: Kim Hyun Joong (SS501), Choi Seung Hyun/ TOP/ Tempo (Bigbang), Xiah JunSu (DBSK), Max ChangMin (DBSK), Jang WooYoung (2PM), Hwang Chansung (2PM), Song Baek Kyoung (1TYM), Oh Jin Hwan (1TYM), Choi Dong Wook/ Se7en, Choi Shi Won (SuJu), Jung Soo Yeon/ Jessica (SNSD), Lim Yoon A /YoonA (SNSD)

Interesting isn't it? Now I know why I think TOP is my long lost soul brother and why I have some characteristics similar to Kim HyunJoong, my baby Su-ie and food monster Minmin... Anyway, let me try to go over the list and see if I fall into the typical characteristics of someone with type B blood.

1) Basic personality: individualist, strong, creative, active, unpredictable, disorganised, sociable, persuasive, cheerful, easy going, adventurous, egocentric, forgetful, flexible, curious, and enthusiastic.

-> let me see... individualist, yes... strong, creative and persuasive, yes... forgetful, curious and enthusiastic, yes... adventurous and cheerful... at times. Egocentric and easy going..um... i don't think so.

2) Your strengths: you have an engaging, charming manner. Bright, cheerful and fun to be around, you’re an original thinker and highly individual. You don’t like rules, but when you want to achieve a goal you’re passionate, hard working and totally driven. Your curious nature means you love to try things and your flexibility means you find it easy to adapt to new situations.

-> This one I wholly agree... I hate being tied up to follow routines/rules... and yeah, if it was true that curiosity kills the bunny... I must be dead now :P

3) Your weaknesses: you like to do things in your own time and don’t like being told what to do. This means that you may clash with bosses, partners and family. You can also be very disorganised and untidy.

-> er... uh... I follow sometimes... I'm not that bad. Disorganized and untidy makes me seem dirty or somethin'... I'm not. Even though I am not the clean freak, I think I'm doing okay.

4) Your ideal job: You excel at coming up with ideas and innovations, you're also very curious so possible careers include: designer, engineering, advertising executive, landscape gardener, running your own business or entertainer, public relations, artist, photographer, advocate, journalist, cook, hairdresser.

-> uh.. I agree with most except hairdresser and landscape gardener... I kill plants... :P I like designing hair but not as a profession.

5) How you love: you are very independent and your desire for freedom isn’t always easy for partners to understand. Type B’s are the classic bad boys and girls, with a reputation for being exciting, wild, selfish and unreliable. Your best match is another B type or an AB, who’s outgoing but also sensitive and mysterious – personality traits that will intrigue you.

-> Bad girl? Me??? oh come on... but I like that I match other type Bs... come on Lord Minmin... we match...so be mine.

6) Potential problems: when you’re out of balance you have a tendency to get lethargic and depressed. You become more unreliable, messy and disorganised than usual. You also become more susceptible to infections (colds, flu, stomach bugs etc.).

-> weird but true... guess I might be the typical B after all...

A person with type B blood is outgoing and charming. They won't be picky or dwell over little things. Usually, they act first before going over the details. They are also good at reading other people and provide whatever support they need. They are very critical of appearances, but not of their own appearance. They will pick clothing by style and pattern first.

-> lolz... this isn't supposed to be describing me right? I chuckled at picking clothing by style and pattern cause I do that well unconsciously... but it still is funny.

Positive qualities: Creative, Passionate, Strong, Animal loving, Optimistic and Flexible.
Negative qualities: Wild, Unsociable, Critical, Indecisive, Unpredictable and Unforgiving.

So yeah... in the end, I am the typical B type of person... hm... and by reading this, those negative qualities sound bad... but I dunno... oh and by wild, I'm not "wild" wild... if you get what I mean... I'm wild because I am a rebel in my own right.

There goes my little test... how about you guys? Want to try Blood typing?






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oh coolios!! Blood type B is the best amongst all! *waves blood type B flag*