Application for ♪≈ Unchained Melody

♪≈ Really Really…

Name (what should I call you?): Elley

AFF username: elleyX

Profile link:

Activeness (how active are you from 1 to 10): 5 (I've been on and off from time to time lately)


♪≈ Home Run…

Position (who are you applying for?): Royal G's  Main Vocal | Maknae 

Full Name: Daehyun Lee Matsumoto

DOB (dd/mm/yy)& age(international): 01/16/95 & 17

Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Hometown: Daegu, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean-Japanese

Blood Type: O

Languages spoken (be realistic): Japanese, English, Korean


♪≈Real Eyes…

Ulzzang name: Lee Eun Ji

Links (3+):

Back-up ulzzang name: Park Younghee

Height (cm): 172 cm

Weight (kg): 56 kg

Style (can be a description or links): Same as Younghee's pictures, so like a chic punk style


♪≈ Lover Cop …

Personality (brief description): Daehyun has a very cold persona and doesn't really seem to care about others. In reality she's just really hurt so she puts up walls around her to protect herself. She's very blunt, especially when it comes to something she dislikes. When around people she cares for, her walls go down and she's more caring and lets others see her true emotions. Inside those walls of her is a girl who wants to be accepted by others. Outside those walls she's a girl who doesn't give a damn about the world unless it helps her achieve her goal.

3 Things you like:

.Dark Chocolate

.Children (in a non-creepy way, more like in a mother/big sister type way)


3 Things you dislike:


.Meat (she's vegitarian)

.People judging her

3 Hobbies:


.Star gazing


3 Habits:

.Starts getting sleepy when someone plays/combs her hair

.If she's mumbling while sleeping and someone asks her a question she'll truthfully answer

.Tends to zone out a lot

2 Fears:

.Cleithrophobia (being locked in small spaces) [Was locked in a closet by bullies in the 1st grade, the person who became her best friend helped her]

.Claustrophobia (being in small spaces) 

Motto: Don't be seen, be heard because everyone can see you, but not everyone will listen to you

Trivia: She has blue eyes, but she hides them with brown contacts.


♪≈ Round 1…

Background (brief description):

Born in Tokyo, but came to Daegu when she was 1. Her father died before she was born so her mother honored her father's wish of having a son named 'Daehyun', hence the boy name. Her mom never really paid attention to her nor did she really support her in anything which made her very untrusting and uncaring. She was made fun of as a kid for her eyes, extensive height, and name which made her more cynical. She alway's loved singing and writing, but her mom shot down her dreams. Made friends with only Key in grade school because he was blunt like her, but also caring towards her. After awhile she was sick and tired of being ignored and bullied and took Key's suggestion to become an idol to show she has talent and can be a 'someone'


♪≈ Still By Ur Side…

Family members (3 adjectives to describe them are enough):

Name: Hyemi Cho
DOB&age: 08/21/66 & 45
Personality: Became very depressed after her husband Kaito's death, not really caring towards Daehyun, poliet persona
Your relationship: Mother- Daughter


Friends(optional, no more than 2):

Name: Kibum 'Key' Kim
DOB&age: 09/23/91
Personality: Diva, tsundere, diva, umma like, blunt
Your relationship: Bestfriends, went to the same elementary school. The one who started her love for plushies because he always gets her one



Your relationship (reason why you are rivals):


♪≈ Lost In Love…

First choice (ideal type)

Name: Kibum 'Key' Kim
DOB&age: 09/23/91
Personality: Diva, tsundere, diva, umma like, blunt
Your relationship: Bestfriends, went to the same elementary school. The one who started her love for plushies because he always gets her one


Back-up choice (ideal type)

Name: Lee Taemin
DOB&age:  07/18/93 & 19
Personality: Shy around new people, very happy and bubbly, generally very cute even though he deosnt want to bee seen like that
Your relationship: Strangers to each other


♪≈ E.R…

Reason why you want to be an idol/manager/choreographer/CEO? (be creative):  Because I love singing since I can express my true self through my singing and to be known. Be acknowlgded by my mother, show those who belittled me that I am a 'somebody', and so that special someone of mine becomes proud of me.

[fill in the following only if you’re applying for an idol position]

Position: Royal G's  Main Vocal | Maknae 

Stage name: Dae

Fanclub name & color: Daybreakers/ Royal Purple

Talents: Can hit really high notes, almost enough to break glass on a really good day. Can Imitate people's voices, especially when they're singing. Has perfect pitch. Can play the piano and cello

Persona: The Quiet Voice (Idk what to put, you can change it if you want)

Nickname (given by the fans): The Quiet Diva

Other works: Model


♪≈ Drive…

Anything I should know(optional): I'm sad Chess vs Wanted didn't happen so I just basically used my same character, but fixed her.

Suggestions (optional): A love triangle? Dunno X)

Password: Dalmation :)


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elleyX #1
Thats fine, I'll change her now