The music of your life?

Put your playlist or iPod on shuffle and you shall find out the music of your life.

Opening credits: Bounce - JJ Project

Waking up: Happy Birthday - Yang Yoseob

Falling in love: Perfect - J-Co

Fight song: Go Back Again - Navi (Featuring Yong Junhyung)

Breaking up: Angel (Korean Vesion) - EXO-K

Getting back together: Skinny Baby - BEAST & A Pink

Wedding: Bad Girl (Japanese Version) - BEAST

Birth of Child: Baby Baby - Yang Yoseob

Final Battle: Change - Kim Hyuna (Featuring Yong Junhyung)

Death scene: Fight Together (Instrumental) - Namie Amuro

Ending Credits: Machine (Chinese Version) - EXO-M


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Woah, cool!