Daesung's Crash, My UnVIP Thoughts?

Warning: There may be crude language, offensive thoughts, insensitive writing, etc. If you are offended by any of this or Mickey Mouse then please leave. You may leave bashing comments at me at the comments, my wall or my stories... as long as you subscribe :P


So my first thought when I saw the news on allkpop.com was: Holy shiiiiiiiit! He's had more unfortunate incidents than Kyu...


While yes, that is offensive and insensitive, I am a naturally cold-hearted person...not really. I just think weird things.

Excuse me while I sing along to FT Island's new song, Sunshine Girl, from KPop comeback album Hello Hello.  Damn, I love Seoulfm.

But siriuslyy, this is ridiculous. There are people saying that the potential fine is low! Excuse me while I scoff.  And bloody hell! Heechul had dinner with Park Jin Young (JYP)? What is he, fraternizing with the enemy? Did SM put him up to it?



Okay, so first, if you really care, you should go to allkpop.com and get all the links about Daesung.

The most recent is here >> The Situation with Daesung & Big Bang's Future Activities by Goni.

The one detailing the final statements from officials>> Police Confirm that Motorcyclist Hyun Died from his Collision with Daesung.

I'll confess that although I am not a VIP at all, I do like some of their songs and have quite the soft spot for Daesung...

So I have been keeping an eye out for Big Bang/Daesung news.

If you're too lazy, then I'll just give you the summary:

There was a guy named Hyun, a little drunk (sarcasm), who was riding his motorcycle when he crashed into a lamp post. A taxi driver swerved out of the way and came back to help him. Daesung was driving along, around 10 km over the speed limit of 60 km/h and didn't see the guy on the ground. He crashed into the taxi, dragging the poor Hyun along, slightly injuring the taxi driver too.

He didn't know that he had hit someone but this is technically manslaughter/involuntary manslaugher.

Daesung faces charges of 20 000$ USD or up to five years of jail time.


I will talk about the potential charges first.


Reminder: I do not study law and therefore have little knowledge from text books about it. Do not take anything as complete law. Thus, if you quote me to your friend who's a lawyer and they laugh at you... I warned you.

OH! Nice :) Seoulfm's playing TRAX - Oh My Goodness.

But siriusly, if I get anything wrong, just correct me!


First of all, how is 20 000$ USD very little? It isn't a little amount in Canada, China and definitely not Korea either. No matter how richass you are; that is not a little amount at all.

According to today's exchange rates at noon, this is how much 20 000$ USD is in KRW.


20,000.00 USD =

21,576,000.98 KRW


Yes, Big Bang earns quite a lot if we are judging by G Dragon's supposed 5.6 million USD profits in four months this year.

But that does not mean anything at all if we think about how much they'd have to spend on everything.

There are also people saying that it isn't fair that Daesung is being given special treatment.


  1. Life isn't fair.
  2. The family of Hyun feels sorry for Daesung, so yes, justice has to be served, but that changes things.
  3. The official trial hasn't even started.


To those VIP's who are crying about the possible five years of jail time? Get a life.

Just kidding...but siriusly. Someone just died you know? Like Eun Mi who was stabbed 65 ing times by a stupid guy, Hyun did not deserve to die.

If Daesung is given jail time, then I'll be extremely sad since I was looking forward to his future solo activities and Big Bang's activities. That doesn't mean that I won't accept it as fair though, because either way, somebody has died and he needs to take responsibility. I am sure Daesung himself will, because as some, or many, of you will remember: he was involved in a car crash himself.

So I'm researching SK's official government website at the moment; it's useless. Basically everything that talks about South Korean laws are in Korean or if they are in English, need to be paid.

However, from what I gather at Wikipedia, Daesung would've commited involuntary manslaughter because he didn't have any reason or thoughts about killing Hyun and it was really all a horrible accident. After all, he was just speeding a little at the wrong time at the wrong place.

Definition from Wikipedia: "Involuntary manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought. It is distinguished from voluntary manslaughter by the absence of intention."

Something I got that directly pertains to Daesung's case at criminal.lawyers.com: "...driving above the speed limit does not amount to such grossly negligent or reckless conduct as to amount to involuntary manslaughter. However, an involuntary manslaughter conviction can be based on excessive speed in combination with other factors, such as running through an intersection without paying attention to traffic signals or stop signs. "

Basically, since Daesung was driving above the speed limit but didn't seem to have been doing anything else that was unlawful; this wouldn't amount to involuntary manslaughter in the USA. Then again, driving over the speed limit is a minor felony so it could still be considered involuntary manslaughter.

But, we have to take into account that it was in South Korea that this happened and not the United States.

Thankfully, he hadn't been drinking because that would definitely be a pain in the azzzz.

Honestly though, I feel sorry for Hyun. Something unhappy must've been happening in his life if he was so drunk that he crashed into a lamp post.

My problem with everyone is that so many of you are taking one side or the other. It annoys me because both did wrong, neither wanted it to happen and none of us really care of understand what really passed that night anyways.

Yes, you may be a VIP. Yes, you may have known someone who died from a carcrash. *hi-five*

But, that doesn't mean that either of them meant for any of it to happen.



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BTW, Hyunshik of ZE:A fell overboard a yacht and was saved by Dongjun and their manager?


Had fun? No? Well, go talk to yourself then. BTW, go here for all the lovely kpop I've been listening to >> http://www.shoutcast.com/shoutcast_popup_player?station_id=1944619&play_status=0&stn=SEOULFM! | hottest KPOP 24/7 - www.seoul.fm


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If there is a like..no, LOVE BUTTON in AFF, I would seriously press it infinitely until I get tired! I want to put my feelings or whatever you call it in here, but I'm too lazy. -_- Seriously, I want to! But...every time I type, my mind says, "Just stop it, will ya?!" LOL. So that's it.. I really want to write it...Oh damn! I keep on writing the same words. -__- Sorry for that.. I'm dying here you know? Boredom strikes! And we die.. Psh. Weirdness~ Ok, I am weird. x) This is literally killing me so I'll stop. LMAO. x) One sentence to say...I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!! PERIOD. *breathes* I wrote a lot of random stuffs just because of that ONE SENTENCE? LOLOLOLOL. I'm dying of weirdness~ It's overcoming me~ LOL. xPP
ReaReeUmbi #2
I can't feel any sympathy for the deceased, he drank and he drove. If he never drank and drove he would of never been on the ground. Why do people drink and drive?
omo904 #3
not bashing! :) i don't like people that bash so i'm not going to do it! haha.<br />
<br />
i agree with everything you said but i don't think daesung deserves to go to jail since he didn't do it on purpose.<br />
i mean, i'm not a die hard VIP but i put it in an Inspirit's shoes.<br />
if Myungsoo had to go to jail for 5 years, i'd be devastated so i understand if some fans are upset if daesung might be going to jail.<br />
<br />
i LOLed at the link of hyungshik falling off the yacht. hahahaha. totally irrelevant it's hilarious. :)
I agree. The law is the law, accident or not. Besides, completely innocent people get put into jail even though they did NOTHING all the time. Just be glad they didn't falsely accuse him and want to put him in jail for no reason. Be happy there is a reason. Though he may not have meant it, he is a human being along with the rest of us, idol or not. <br />
But I do feel bad that he may have to go to jail or whatever.<br />
But seriously, the law IS the law. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
But! I don't think that Daesung should go too jail , because he didn't kill him ON PURPOSE.
I've got to agree, it was both of their faults. The motorcycolist was under the influence, but Daesung was speeding. Even though Daesung didn't mean for it to happen, it did and he has to face the reality. If it was a regular person that hit YOUR family member, wouldn't you want that person to get charged? Even though he is a idol, he still has the same laws that a regual human has. I'm not saying it was Daesung's fault, but i'm not saying it wasn't his fault AT ALL. The motercyolist was drunk, and driving a motercycle, and got hurt, and then Daesung didn't see him and accidenly killed him with his car. Both of them had a role in the death of Hyun.