application for Aceso Phenomenon



Username: SweetSyndrome


Name: Han Ji Hye

Age: 19

Race: korean

Height: 169cm

Weight: 52kg

: female

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Alternate Appearance: Do Hwae Ji

Personality: She is kind and quite a quiet person, but friendly when get to know her better. Usually notice small things or similarities of people or come up pretty fast with strategies. Although when is she is in bad mood, start to complain and nag about things. That’s why she tries to stay calm and in good mood, try to accept things how they is.

When feels upset she just usually likes to stay alone and don’t talk with anybody. Feels quite lonely often, that’s why is emotional towards things. Usually cause of guilt likes to help out others, although it may lead in danger.

History: Her mother was already sick then, she only found it out after few months of pregnancy had passed. Doctors had suggested that they can inject some kind of medicine which may lower chance of defects for newborn. After some time passed and it was day of girl to be born, her mother died after giving birth. Doctors had secretly given medicaments which quickly made her health condition bad till she died. Father could be that time at hospital cause of his business things, but when he came to hospital doctors apologized and told that his wife and newborn daughter had died, during his wife’s critical health situation. Meanwhile his daughter had taken for experiments and raised by Aceso people.

Years passed and she grew up, and interest of outside world raised bigger and bigger interest in her. One day she sneaked to see what the people in laboratory was doing, noticing how they destroyed defected kid which seemed to be like her, she got afraid and escaped.

She wandered around actually stressful about what to do, till notice group of people who were freely chatting and having abilities. From beginning when she walked up to them, they thought its one of spies from laboratories, but she showed her special power, proving that is one of them and they accepted her.

After living together with them, she realized how much she wants family or somebody really close. She is sad for people who are being raised in laboratory and wants to help them get away and see how world is beautiful out of laboratory. As for herself she wants to experience love and find somebody close to her.


Aceso Phenomenon: Liquid movement. Can move any liquid which contains water. Can even control liquids as blood or water in human bodies etc. Her weakness might be

Aceso Phenomenon Ranking:  3

Do you mind if your character dies?: Umm maybe :D good question actually, but more likely that no, but if its needed for plot I don’t mind ;)

-can come up with strategy fast;

-loves animals;

-actually know how to cook, but only simple dishes, cause during laboratory time she got interest on how it gets prepared and wanted to try
-fear and dislikes thunderstorms;

-likes swimming

Love Interest: Kevin Woo (U-kiss)


Any Questions? Feel free to ask: Hmm is this profile okay? haha


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