Please keep your remarks to yourself. Thank you very much.

I heard from my cousin about someone who was insulting SHINee and apparently, she likes One Direction a lot.

"SHINee shouldn't be called SHINee... They should be called rusty." According to my cousin, that said this.

My first reaction was rolling my eyes and there was this surge of anger rising in me ><

"Oh. Wth. English pop and kpop are like two different matters and we shouldn't be comparing them like that. please." was my first response.

I admit I was a little vulgar but like seriously, her words just made me upset. This is especially so when my fan love for SHINee has been reignited.

I do listen to several One Direction songs and I think they are good but I will definitely not compare them to SHINee.

Comparing kpop to English pop is like comparing an apple with an orange, dumb.

I don't even know why I am getting so upset over a kiddo who is younger than 10 years old.

Childish idiot, keep your remarks to yourself and stop spouting nonsense like a loser. ><

It is freaking annoying and upsetting. I don't care if you hate kpop and love English pop because that's your problem.

And keep your comments to yourself, thank you very much.

It's great I had never seen her in reality before or I would scold the hell out of her and it will seem like I am bullying an 'innocent' kid.

Gosh.The same message goes out to fans who enjoy comparing one group to another which ends up annoying fans from the other fandom and starting pointless fan wars.

Please keep your senseless comments to yourself because we are not at the least interested in your remarks.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Stupid girl, please grow up and stop hating SHINee blindly. >.<

It's annoying and dumb if you don't realise.




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Haha, that's strange. Usually, I would hear kpop fans belittle American music. Either way, I don't consider One Direction American music since they are from the UK, same goes for Justin Bieber.
I know how u feel. my fren likes one direction too but she also listens to kpop.
fujisyusuke-kun #3
True. I hate it so much because it only creates fan wars.
Why don't they think a little before speaking?
So how the ____ could you compare it? This is what I hate about my classmates too. They underestimate, belittle, and look down on kpop while they they compare them to pop singers like RIHANNA, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Jay Z, etc. It really, REALLY annoys me. I can't even explain it in words.
Wow, that's definitely a strong reaction from you. :x
I agree. I especially hate it when people listen to like one k-pop artist without giving other k-artists a chance and just hate k-pop all together. It's annoying ^^