Of Boys and Mermaids Application | Lee Sungjin [ACCEPTED]



► I'm the pearl

         AFF Username: xxfruitsbasketxx

         Profile Link: CLICKU~!

         Nickname: xfbx


 'Cause I'm no ordinary girl

         Character Name: Jocelyn

         Mermaid Power: Cryokinesis

         Age: 19 years old

         Birth Date: 1-4-93

 This is my fantasy

         Appearance: [1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5]

         Fin Color: Rose Wine Red


She really facinated at the pretty human clothes, but when it comes to wearing them she prefers very casual outfits: simple graphic tees, hoodies/cardigans, jeans, and either converse or heels.

[1] | [2] | [3 - outfit] | [4]


► The world's my oyster


[NUTSHELL] In short, unless she trusts you (which is something really hard to obtain), she is the type of person who has a very mysterious/quiet facade about her in which she's able to hide and keep silent about who she is. She is seen as a very young capable, intelligent, and ever so slightly innocent girl.

[DETAILS] When you meet her, she seems really cold, calm, and extremely quiet, but if you become a really close friend, she's actually rather hyper and loud. Unfortunately, you have to be an EXTREMELY close friend for her to act this way. When she's by herself in front of strangers or a large crowd it's as if she's lost all train of thought. Basically, she has a huge case of stage fright in front of people/strangers; it's even worse if she's put into the spotlight in front of a crowd. Similarly, no one knows she's hyper or loud at all; though most people usually come to the conclusion that she’s either mysterious or stuck-up. Ask any friend of hers and they'll tell you people always ask why Sungjin is so quiet while the friend just sheepishly smiles knowing it's no use explaining. Also, she tends to settle with "behind-the-scenes" work, many times letting other people take the credit for her hard work. However, one of her strongest points is her observation skills in which she is very precise when assessing a person or situation.

Still, her shyness is definitely a problem. In addition, she is the farthest from being a risk-taker. Those two qualities combined becomes pretty disabling for her. Although her grades show that she is part of the top percentage and an astoundingly intelligent girl, she still has a lot to show—she has very unique ideas and is quite the master with words—but her lack of boldness and confidence obviously fails her. Also, despite her age, and having never been in a relationship before, she’s a great old sister type who gives great advice—so much so, that sometimes people mistake her for being older because of her “wise” life and relationship advice.

Besides her flaws, she does have accompanying strong qualities about her: loyalty and trust. Some might say she is just innocent in this aspect, but she believes everyone is a decent person upon first meeting, giving everyone she meets the same level of her trust. This level of trust is her basic, scratch of the surface, guarded trust (as in she doesn't believe you're out to get her, or you have a reason to lie to her when giving her facts, but guarded in the sense that she will rarely tell you much about her). However, when you gain her trust, which quite difficult to obtain (that guarded part is rather strong), she becomes an extremely loyal friend. Still, if you give her one clear action of doubt, that trust she has given you shatters, extreme loyalty gone...she can drop you off her friend list like a hot potato (rather deadly in her execution).

Even though she’s great at hiding what she really feels, and though people compliment her on her great ability of acting naturally, Sungjin has a playfully short temper. Although she likes to make facial expressions, she’s really good at controlling them. For example, have a “Who-Smiles-First-is-the-Loser-Contest”, and you’ll lose hands down. I must warn you though: uses sarcasm/witty remarks; extremely stubborn when she wants things to go her way; she can be a rather bitter, negative person in a semi-evil way. Lastly, she's a very realistic girl...not the type to believe in fairy tales; sure she daydreams and has a very creative mind, but when it comes to viewing the real world and her future, she's not the type think her life is that of a fairytale princess.


[1] Bookstores (such a facinating, beautiful place)
[2] Taking walks at night on the beach
[3] Organization
[4] Peace & quiet
[5] Cool weather (breezy, chilly, rain)
[6] Mango pudding & melon drinks
[7] Anything cute


[1] Being tickled (ticklish) or teased about her height
[2] Not being occupied (her imagination will run and scare her)
[3] Death (she can have a crazily scary imagination)
[4] Coffee (the taste is horrible)
[5] Drugs, drinking, & cussing
[6] People who litter (not to mention how smokers and drinkers throw their trash into the water)


[1] Switching languages mid-sentence
[2] Bugging people until they go her way
[3] Running away when she sees a bug/spider
[4] Mumbling to herself (when she thinks no one's around)
[5] Avoiding bikes (they scare her)
[6] Sweating
[7] Not taking risks


[1] Has never had a boyfriend
[2] Has 2 older brothers, one of which is her twin
[3] Loves to just float on her back

         Human Life confusions:

[1] Talking on the phone with people (finds it a very awkward activity to do)
[2] Sports, mostly those that involve running (sweating...is horrible)
[3] Bikers/bikes (why do people have to use 2 wheeled devices at the beach when you can walk?)
[4] Pools...why are there such thing as pools when you can swim in the ocean?


Sungjin comes from a family of royalty (whatever that actually means among the mermaid/men) and she has an arranged marriage to a merman equivalent to that of what humans call a prince. Although she also left her parents at the age of 14 like all the other mermaids, she still has this one duty regardless. As a side note, Sungjin has two older brothers, one of which is her twin.


► We've got to stick together

         Relationship with your pack:

She's never a rule breaker and although always listens to the leader, she is like the leader's right-hand...mermaid; she's also the mermaid everyone goes to talk to for help. However, the pack also show her a lot of respect.

         Friend: Victoria - the big sister Sungjin never had. They both confide in each other and watch out for one another.


 Come along it just get's better

         Love interest: [1] Byun Baekhyun, [2] Oh Sehun


One look and anyone can tell he's "Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky". Rumored to be a playboy, he can easily makes friends with anyone. He has a warm, friendly and inviting aura, with a tendency to carry on the conversation. His smile is every girl's dream and one often finds themselves smiling just from his smile. Granted he is constantly trying to tell a joke, but he is actually pretty shy around girls.

         Why you like him:

His personality is always bright and positive. Sure, a part of her admires him for being such a bright, happy, and loved person, but there's just something about him where every aspect of him just makes her smile out of the blue for no reason--he can always find a way to make her feel warm and fuzzy.

         Relationship with each other:

He's usually the one carrying the conversation (and starting it for that matter). He also tends to try his hardest to get her to warm up to him by doing things she dislikes (pokes her side to tickle her or always teasing her about her height). She on the other hand has somehow already warmed up to him and trusts him a lot; not her absolute complete trust yet, but he's gained a lot of her trust. However, her shy and quiet personality hasn't allowed him to figure that out yet. Still at times, he'll catch her staring at him randomly, but is too oblivious to piece together to reason for it.

 This is our adventure

         Scene requests: N/A

         Comments, concerns?: Whee~ anticipating this story :D Good luck & fighting author-shii ^^

         Anything else?

I don't think so... (oh, I added a family/background section since I saw in your application example it had one, but the copy+paste version didn't)


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