15 Right Now Questions


Where are you right now?

My bed, USA


What do you wish you were doing right now?

Something a little more productive.


What shirt are you wearing right now?

My "You are the only exception" shirt, i made it myself.


What are you eating right now?

Some gum. 


What room are you in right now?

My own. 


What underwear are you wearing right now?

Some old ones. Need to do laundry. 


What are you listening to right now?

Drake's Take Care album. It's pretty good.


What pants are you wearing right now?

The ones my cousin gave me.


What shoes are you wearing right now?



What socks are you wearing right now?

The ones Felicity and Maurisa gave me :)


Who do you wish you were with right now?

My best friends of course. I wish we was roomates.


What time is it right now?

12:37 am


What is one thing you would change right now?



What is next to you right now?

blankets and pillows galore


What will you do next right now?

Update stories, duh. 


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@Fxander haha yeah, keeps my feet worm
@JUjuliet Haha well it's one of a kind but if you insist
VampireKnights #3
What am I thinking about right now? I should've be sleeping* yawn*
I Am so the same as some of these things! I want tht shirt you have noww... Would you please send my one???? OAO