Jpop Review: Hikaru Utada's "First Love"

Even though it's my birthday, and not my friend's birthday, I said that I'd review this because it's her favorite song. Her favorite song just happens to be Hikaru Utada's "First Love".

So in the pv, Utada is in the club alone, slowly drowning in her heartbreak misery. However, this video kind of disturbs me because they're also filming a bunch of other random objects. They also filmed her singing in random places. Honestly, I found this video to be the strangest video I ever watched.. but then again, it's not like that one Jpop song that kept singing " on the beach".

Anyway, this song is about a girl's breakup and the memories about her first love. Something that don't want to hear unless it's that drastic to you.

There's no dance to this song. Although, I love her vocals! ... But, she was a bit pitchy...

Her English is great. She pronounced every word correctly and they were used the right way. So, Good job Utada!

Here's the link to the video. 

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