The Keep


I have been seeing people posting links to their personal blogs. And the curious Keeper wanted one in blogger too. As I was making it, I realized I have Live Journal and WordPress accounts that are both empty. So why would I make another blog site? OTL What exactly should I put there that is not already written here? LOL

Anyway, to make the long story short, I just created a website. A simple one. Since html codes and Keeper don't get along very well, I made one in Wix. There's nothing in it at the moment and I don't like the design. When I have time, I'll make a decent one to showcase (lol) my artworks (lolololol). Definitely adding this in my to-do list.

Wanna see what this Keeper has been up to for three hours? >.> The video made it look easy, it's not >.< 

This is Keeper's website, trial version aka Keeper's AFF account (lol): 


The Keep

(move your cursor over the images haha, that's all)


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byunqrins_ #1