Aceso Phenomenon - Character Application



Username: addictedtoyourlove



Name: Myo Yeunja

Age: 19

Race: Korean

Height: 169cm

Weight: 63kg

: Female

Appearance: Su Kyung

Alternate Appearance: Baek Su Min

Personality: Yeunja never has gotten along well with others. She doesn't like to show others her opinion as she doesn't want them to think that they have a hold over her or an advantage is she shows weakness. Trusting, for her, is a strange and alien-like concept seeing as she's never really had someone that she can really depend on. She lets her emotions and feelings bubble away until she can't take it any more, causing an outburst which can be a bit dramatic. One thing that she hates is others staring at her. From being in the facility, she has gradually learned that the only person who you can trust is yourself. She isn't a rashional person and won't resort to using violence unless provoked a lot to do so. On the whole, she's quite selfish and cowardly, only caring about herself. If others are in trouble, she won't help them as she doesn't view it as her problem. This is probably due to the lack of affection when she was a child. Others treat her like a freak and she treats them like dirt - they stay away from her, she stays away from them. She has never really tried to make friends (sure, she may be in a group of people but to her they're mere aquitances).

History: Yeunja was taken away from her parents soon after she was born and was put into one of the smaller facilities as she did not appear to be much of a threat. In the facility, the food portions were average - not too small but the people inside of it didn't communicate much with each other so it was pretty much a group of loners living there (there were a few duos though). It was not until she had just turned 11 that her powers actually began to manifest. Before this, she seemed like a normal girl and they were considering getting rid of her somehow or throwing her out of the facility but her defensive system went into action and mentally hurt the workers. This is when her aceso phenomenon began to work. From then on they tried to test her powers, to see what else she could do but due to her being naturally weak she wasn't of  much use. So they tried to push her ability to the limit and test for other bits and bobs that she might be able to do but they didn't find any. This continued on for numerous years until she recently escaped.
It was night time and she was just about to go to sleep when she heard a bit of noise. The said noise was another Aceso who had the phenomenon of manipulating stone and was making an escape with a friend who controlled ice and poison. They were in the cell or room next to her and seeing a chance, she used a lot of energy and power to knock the guards covering her cell unconcious so that she could follow them. She only had a few minutes but it was all that she needed seeing as the other two girls had dug a handy tunnel that appeared to have been growing for quite some time. She cannot remember if she ever saw those two again but did not escape without a scratch. From that night, a series of scars run down her left leg from where it got gashed and cut by stone cutting it as well as some lines on both legs from other various stupid mistakes.

Aceso Phenomenon: She can cause mental pain to various people that leaves them with a painful headache as a result of it. However it is limited as she cannot do it on a large crowd and is she over uses it in a short period of time, she feels dizzy and sick.

Aceso Phenomenon Ranking:  2

Do you mind if your character dies?: It's okay... If you make it really sad and angsty ;D


  • She can't stand wildlife or animals as she worries about hurting them and finds plants annoying.
  • Will eat pretty much anything but prefers sweet foods.
  • She always carries around something that she can listen to music with and earphones.
  • To her, astronomy is fascinating and she loves star gazing.
  • Her aim is extremly bad so she doesn't play a lot of sports.
  • Ambidextrous meaning that she can write with her left or right hand.
  • She is afraid of thunderstorms and heights.
  • She has a lucky ring which she found in the facility and rubs it when nervous.
  • She hates wearing dresses as it makes her feel vunerable and instead wears jeans and likes to always be prepared.
  • She is obsessed with the web comic 'Homestuck' but will never admit it in fear of looking stupid or dorky.

Love Interest: Bang Yong Guk from B.A.P


Any Questions? Feel free to ask: None ~


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