Aceso Phenomenon Application


Username: Prettyangel25

Profile: *Click Me*


Name: Cheonsa Kim/ Giselle Kim

Age: 19

Race: 50% Korean & 50% French

Height: 168cm

Weight: 46kg

: Female

Appearance: Angelababy-
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Alternate Appearance: Lee Da Som- Ulzzang

Giselle is a very stubborn, strong-willed girl. She refuses to change who she is for anybody; she doesn't care who you are or who you think you are, if you want her to change it ain't happening. If you’re asking her to do something that is against her personal morals, she'll walk out loudly and leave without any regrets. She hates being told what to do; unless you’re an adult who possess some sort of meaning to her, she'll tell you "Mind your business, before I throw you off a cliff" with her famous smirk.

Giselle doesn't and refuses to back down from a challenge; no matter how big or small. If she wants something you better believe she's going to get it and will do whatever it takes to get it. See the problem with that Giselle tends to encounter is that she doesn’t seem to understand what the meaning of the word 'no' is. When someone tells Giselle 'no' she takes this as a challenge, as if your saying 'no' because you think that she won't be able to handle the consequences. Don't get it twisted, Giselle does know the difference between what's right and what’s wrong; if she thinks what she is doing is right and just then she's going to continue to do it whether you approve of it or not

Giselle is not afraid to express her opinions. She says what's on her mind without think twice. If she doesn't like something/somebody, she's going to say to their face. She isn't mean/ rude to someone for no reason; she always has a reason, even if that reason may be as simple as "You annoy me". If you insult her acid like tongue will cut you into a million pieces and her powerful words will stab you in the heart like a dagger. She is extremely sarcastic and has a foul mouth. Violence isn't a problem for her either, even though she rarely hurts anyone physically. It often happens when she throws something at someone’s head ( a ball, pencil/pen.....her shoe) when she is bored and is around someone she doesn't like or when she kicks someone off of their chair because she doesn't want them sitting next to her.

Giselle is very cautious around strangers and people she doesn't know that well. She is always listening to her intuition, which is almost never wrong. She's very observant and pays a lot of attention to the details in a person's personality and the way they act. She knows for a fact that a person's actions portray their personality and inner thoughts. Because of the cold exterior she puts up in front of strangers, people tend to think of her as an Ice Princess. That image only changes if she allows you to see the Giselle behind the brick wall.

Giselle doesn't make friends easily; it takes a lot to gain her trust. When you get to know her properly she will rarely call you by your name. She has little nicknames for her friends and calls them that weather they like it or not. Giselle is very protective of her family and friends; if you mess with them you’re messing with her and that's something you don't want to do. She'll make sure to get you back in the most diabolical way possible. She would never abandon someone who really needs her, no matter what her thoughts are of that person might be.

History: Gisella father worked for an Aceso facility as a scientist and allowed them to experiment on his daughter.  Sicne she was the daughter of their most intelligent and insightful scientist, the facility had no choice but to treat her like a princess. All of that changed when Giselle was 5 and she was moved to another facility that speacilized in turining kids into human weapons. They did various experiments on her and they even tried to ulter her dna to make her a military weapon. They were trying to make her have the ability to manipulate fire but the experiment went wrong and in the end she gained to power to manipulate to earth. It may not have been the outcome that the scientist wanted, but they were happy that the drug they gave her somewhat worked. They tried giving it the other childern at the facility but they all died. The scientist grew curious as to why the drug killed all those childern and not Giselle; that is a question that has yet to be answered. One day they were experimenting with a young boy who had the power to manipulate fire, the experiment went horribly wrong and the whole facility was up in flames. Only a handfull of childern excaped. one of them being Giselle. Many of them went their own way, but Giselle (being 12 at the time) decided she'd follow Kim Joon Myeon (Exo-K's Suho) since he was the closet thing to family that she had.

While Giselle and Suho ran into Kim Jongin (Kai) and Kim Min Seok (Xiu Min) who joined them in search for a safe place to live, far, far away from any Aceso facility. One day while they were wandering around an old village they ran into an old man who took them in and took care of them. Now these kids are ready to leave and look for other's like them

Aceso Phenomenon:
Earthbending- She is able to manipulate earth; sand, stone, rock, lava, dirt, or other minerals. Her powers are firmly rooted to the ground on which they stand. Removing her from any substantial distance from the earth, such as in the air or on the ocean, strips them of her ability.

Aceso Phenomenon Ranking: She is a 4 because while she was living with the old man she practiced her power and has trained herself

Do you mind if your character dies?: Umm... I actually do...sorry


  • She likes to walk around bare foot since her feet are in direct contact with the ground, which makes it easier for her to control the earth.
  • She practices her power for about 3-5 hours , then she practices her kickboxing and karate for about 2-4 hours everyday.
  • She eyes are naturally hazel but turn green  when she is bending
  • Her hair is naturally auburn but it turns black when she is bending
  • Is better at remembering faces than names
  • She is ambidextrous
  • She treats Suho, Kai and Xiu Min like family and vise versa
  • She has two dogs- Kiki & Yuko
  • Giselle tends to sleep in this position, she also talks in her sleep, you could have a full conversation with her while she's sleeping and when she wakes up she won't remember a thing
  • Suho calls her Gigi
  • Kai calls her Ellie
  • Xiu Min calls her Jelly

Love Interest: Lee Joon- MBLAQ or Jung Daehyun B.A.P


Any Questions? Feel free to ask: This story seems soo interesting, I can't wait for it to start and I loved the teaser, it was really cool to see what eachj team is like and how they opperate.


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HinataSnow #1
Wow! I really like your application! Your character's attitude is just.... WoW!! I love your power!! Go TEAM AVATAR!!!