SMTS Music School Application

Your Information

AFF username: Prettyangel25

Link to AFF profile: *Click Me*

OC's Basic Information

Name: Joelle Diamond Kim


  • JoJo- This is the name she prefers to be called, everyone calls her this
  • Jay.D- Her best friend calls her this and only he can call her this
  • Joey- Her big brother calls her this

Date of birth: 2/14/1995

Place of birth: New York City, New York, U.S.A

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea


  • European
    • French-25%
    • British-25%
  • Asian
    • Korean-25%
    • Chinese-25%

Language spoken: 

  • Fluent
    • English
    • French
    • Korean
  • Semi-Fluent
    • Chinese Mandarin
  • Basic/ Learning
    • Japanese

Blood type: B



Personality: Jojo is a total athlete; she loves anything and everything that has to deal with sports. She's on every sports team and is involved in ever sports' event. She has been an athlete her whole life and is the most athletic out of all her siblings. Participating in all of those athletic activities caused her to be extremely competitive. Jojo is the type of person who plays to win and hates to lose. Despite her competitive nature, Jojo doesn’t brag about her accomplishments.

Jojo is a very stubborn, strong-willed girl. She refuses to change who she is for anybody; she doesn't care who you are or who you think you are, if you want her to change it ain't happening. If you’re asking her to do something that is against her personal morals, she'll walk out loudly and leave without any regrets. She hates being told what to do; unless you’re an adult who possess some sort of meaning to her, she'll tell you "Mind your business, before I throw you off a cliff" with her famous smirk.

Jojo doesn't and refuses to back down from a challenge; no matter how big or small. If she wants something you better believe she's going to get it and will do whatever it takes to get it. See the problem with that Jojo tends to encounter is that she doesn’t seem to understand what the meaning of the word 'no' is. When someone tells Jojo 'no' she takes this as a challenge, as if your saying 'no' because you think that she won't be able to handle the consequences. Don't get it twisted, Jojo does know the difference between what's right and what’s wrong; if she thinks what she is doing is right and just then she's going to continue to do it whether you approve of it or not

Jojo is a fun-loving, energetic woman. There is never a dull moment in her presence. She's the life of the party no matter where she is or who she's with. She loves to make corny, lame jokes. Sometimes her jokes are a little on the erted side, but that's just how she roles. When you’re with her, it’s a guarantee that you'll smile or laugh. She hates being cute, instead she wants people to see her as a cool, charismatic person.

Jojo is not afraid to express her opinions. She says what's on her mind without think twice. If she doesn't like something/somebody, she's going to say to their face. She isn't mean/ rude to someone for no reason; she always has a reason, even if that reason may be as simple as "You annoy me". If you insult her acid like tongue will cut you into a million pieces and her powerful words will stab you in the heart like a dagger. She is extremely sarcastic and has a foul mouth. Violence isn't a problem for her either, even though she rarely hurts anyone physically. It often happens when she throws something at someone’s head ( a ball, pencil/pen.....her shoe) when she is bored and is around someone she doesn't like or when she kicks someone off of their chair because she doesn't want them sitting next to her.

Jojo doesn't make friends easily; it takes a lot to gain her trust. When you get to know her properly she will rarely call you by your name. She has little nicknames for her friends and calls them that weather they like it or not. Jojo is very protective of her family and friends; if you mess with them you’re messing with her and that's something you don't want to do. She'll make sure to get you back in the most diabolical way possible. She would never abandon someone who really needs her, no matter what her thoughts are of that person might be.


  • Bouncing her leg/ tapping her foot when she's sitting
  • She hits, slaps or inflicts pain on people when she's pissed usually Leonardo
  • When she's bored, she eats
  • Covers her face while laughing
  • Cracks her knuckles when she's bored
  • While eating yogurt she prefers to drink it instead of using a spoon
  • Starts speaking Italian when confused
  • Turns pink whenever the guy she likes compliments her
  • Automatically flirts back with boys, only if they start flirting with her first
  • Speaking her mind
  • Ruffling her hair when she is nervous
  • Skin-ship with close friends and family
  • Curses in French when she is pissed
  • Sticks her tongue out randomly, whenerver she feels like it



  • Playing Sports
  • Exercising
  • Taking Pictures
  • Shopping
  • Eating
  • Hanging out with her brother and best friend
  • Playing with her puppies
  • Listening to Music
  • Playing her musical instruments
  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Playing Video Games
  • Watching Movies & Japanese Anime
  • Texting


  • Family & Friends
  • Sports
  • Amusement Parks
  • Photography
  • Action & Comedy Movies
  • Japanese Anime & Manga
  • Video Games
  • Spicy Foods
  • Pastel Colors
  • Music
  • Fairy Tales
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Disney Characters
  • Nature
  • Animals
  • Winter


  • Losing
  • Crying
  • Spiders
  • Thunder & Lightning
  • People who wear socks with sandals
  • Being asked stupid questions
  • Early Mornings
  • Blueberries
  • Cucumbers & Pickles
  • Raw tomatoes
  • Nosy people

Facts about your character: 

  • She has multiple piercings- Left Ear | Right Ear | Belly Button
  • She has two tattoos- Right shoulder |  Back of Neck
  • She has two dogs- Kiki & Yuko
  • Demi tends to sleep in this position, she also talks in her sleep, you could have a full conversation with her while she's sleeping and when she wakes up she won't remember a thing
  • Is a huge fan of Eminem, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber, One Direction & The Wanted
  • Whenever she hears thunder or sees lightning she runs to a dark corner and sits in this position
  • She completely freaks out whenever she sees a spider
  • Has a weak spot for kids
  • She never had her first kiss
  • Mimi never leaves her house without her: digital camera, iPod, beats headphones , her cellphone, her favorite pair of sunglasses or her little keychain that has all her keys that her twin brother gave to her
  • Her favorite color is Cherry Red
  • Her favorite flower is a White Rose
  • Is better at remembering faces than names
  • She is ambidextrous

Addiction: Bacon


Ulzzang Name: Angelababy

Appearance: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Height: 168cm

Weight: 46kg


Father: Kim Woobin | 46 | Music Producer

Mother: Kim Jacqueline | 44 | Professional Opera Singer

Siblings: Kim Joon Myeon (Exo-K's SuHo) | 18 | Student at SMTS | Suho is very protective over his little sister. Those two are like best friends and tell each other everything. Suho likes to help his sister with any problems she may be having and vise versa. Jojo loves her older brother and looks up to him.

Family background: Jojo grew up in a wealthy family, her mother was a famous professional opera singer while her father was a well-known music producer. Since her parents were always busy Jojo and her brother were raised by their grandparents from their mother's side. Even though her parents were never around they made sure to let their kids know that family comes first. Jojo and her brother grew up very close. When Jojo was 5 years old, her parents decided they wanted to move to Seoul, South Korea, after her grandfather from her father's side passed away from lung cancer leaving his wife behind. Jojo and her brother kept in touch with their grandparents in New York and visited them every summer. They were absolutely devastated when they died, especially since they died on such short notice.


Best friend: Lu Han (Exo-M) | LuHan and Jojo have known each other since they were in the kinder-garden. In fact it was LuHan who came up with the nickname Jojo. LuHan is like the male version of Jojo, they have very similar personalities, but there are some slight only differences one being the fact that LuHan doesn't really support violence unless absolutely necessary. On the rare occasions when LuHan actually does get into a physical fight, you better be ready because this boy can put up one hell of a fight. LuHan is also a lot more talkative than Jojo, and is kind of like a broken record; once you’ve got him started it’s very difficult to get him to stop. When Jojo and LuHan are together they are like the skin-ship couple, strangers often mistake them for a couple. They also argue a lot because of the fact that they have very similar personalities, but they are never able to stay mad at each other for long and by the next hour they are besties again.

Love interest: Lee Taemin (Shinee) | Taemin is probably the most claim and humble out of the Mimi's group of friends. He is very shy compared to his other loud obnoxious friends and hates being the center of attention. Most people see him as this childish, unpredictable, silly, trouble-maker. Taemin is a total prankster and loves to have fun. He is very friendly and makes at least one new friend everyday. Taemin is a happy-go-lucky person and always sees the glass half full. Don't let his cute exterior fool you. The closer you become with Taemin the more he starts to change. He starts off with this sweet and innocent, angelic personality, but after awhile he starts to curse. Instead of sitting up straight in his chair, he'll start to slouch and burp...a lot. He even starts to speak his mind (which he doesn't do very often). All those things can make Taemin seem a little "obnoxious' which sometimes he can be. Taemin is one of those people that is able to stay calm while under pressure. He likes to analyze the situation he is in, and plays along until he can strike and take control.

The relationship between you and him: Taemin and Jojo are dating and have been for 6 months. Taemin calls her Babe, Baby girl and Princess more than he calls her Jojo. It’s gotten to the point where she turns her head every time she hears those three words. He was able to break through her brick wall and enter her stone cold heart in a matter of seconds. A Big Bonus is that not only does LuHan like him but so does SuHo (which is a first, most of the guys she likes her Lu Han and SuHo hate him). They punch each other’s arms, they play fight, they aren’t afraid to hold hands in public, they share food if the other wants to try what they’re having, they share pretty much everything. Even clothes since Jojo likes to wear guys clothes – though there’s really nothing much for her to give back to him unless she buys a shirt that both of them can wear.

Rival: Nope, Jojo has people she doesn't like but not any rivals

More Information

Instruments you can play:

  • Acoustic & Electric Guitar
  • Violin
  • Piano
  • Flute
  • Clarinet

Favorite instrument: Violin

Your dream is to be a/an: Either a famous singer, or a professional photographer

More Stuff

Comments: This story seems really interesting. I hope you like Jojo and include her in your story.

Suggestions: [is the colours too hard to read? :P] No the colors aren't to hard to read at all (well at least not for me). The school should have a talent show, where the applicants preform a duet with their love interest.

Requested scenes:

A scene where Taemin gets jealous because Jojo seems to be spending more time with LuHan than she is with him and they get into this huge arugement. Not even an hour after the aurgement Taemin shows up at her locker with a white rose and a box of chocolates along with an apology poem he wrote for her

A scene where Suho and Jojo have this lovely brother-sister momnet and then Luhan comes out of nowhere and ruins it.


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