
Username: supergenerationrocks



Name: Park Sung Rin/ Sophia Park

Age: 21

Race: Japanese-Korean

Height: 167 (cm)

Weight:  48 (kg)

: Female

Appearance:  Shi Zi Jia 1 2 3 4 5

Alternate Appearance: Yang Qihan

Personality: Sophia is a mature and an independent girl. When something doesn't feel quite right, she'll say it, no matter what the consequences are. She has more male friends than female, and that's because she feels more comfortable around men. She's also what you called a fearless girl, well she has to be. She hates it when people thinks that she's weak just because she is a girl, and because she rarely uses her power. Even if she sounds tough, but actually once you get on her good side, she'll do anything for you. That's why she's one of the children that the three companies are looking for.

History: Her parents used to hide her until she was five. Little Sophie immediately was taken to the facility and lived there ever since. That time she didn't know what's wrong with her, she was confused.  But she was a doll, all the scientist were very nice of her. And until the age of seven she didn't show any abilities of special power. But one of the scientist decided to check on her through some experiment, and turned out that she had the same DNA as Shim Changmin, other kid who has a psychic ability. The scientists finally tested her and they were surprised with her speciality. She can do a hypnotic induction.

            Back then, the facility used her to calm down the other Aceso's who's being uncontrollable. Only with one word from her, they would be in a calm state immediately. Sophie was nine years old, when Changmin (who was forteen that time) called her. Changmin was other Aceso's in the same facility who had some 'special treatment'. He works for the facilities, he was called The Illusionist. He put illusion in to your mind without you realize which one is the reality or not. He lived in the facility since the day he was born.

             Changmin called little Sophie and told her that she need to go, that the place wasn't suitable for her, but she didn't want to. So Changmin told her the truth, he overheard some staff talking about Sophie and found out that they actually had killed Sophie's parent. They shot them dead. Sophie was in shocked, she cried in Changmin's arm. Finally, she heard Changmin whispered something to her, saying that they could get out from here. Little Sophie just nodded. And next thing she remember, they walked out from the facilities with the other Aceso's. She couldn't remember what happened back then in the facility, how could they get walked out just like that.

             When Sophie reached age of fifteen, she and Changmin found out that if she used her power too much, she'll get weak. That's why Changmin forbid her to use her power unless it's necessaries. Now, Sophie, Changmin, and one of their Aceso's friend in the facility, Yunho, who has the ability in pyrokinesis, were living together, disguised as the 'Jung siblings'. They're still hopin in finding others like them.


Aceso Phenomenon: Hypnotic Induction. She used to do it only with words, but with Changmin's help now she can do it with her mind too...BUT..there's a side-effect, she'll get very sick andweak if she use it too much.

Aceso Phenomenon Ranking:  3

Do you mind if your character dies?: Yes, I do mind



  • she likes flower especially yellow roses
  • she likes dogs and wolves
  • she likes classical music
  • she loves book
  • likes to cook
  • her eyes will turn pitch black if she use her power too much
  • treating Changmin and Yunho as her own brothers and vice versa.

Love Interest: MBLAQ G.O


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