I'm gonna update Your Voice tonight.. hehe. Well, practically, here is NIGHT. 10 PM already, normal kids should go to bed. Hehe. I'm not normal, I'm weeird. wink

Anyway, I rewatched and replayed SHINee's Hello, and decided this ; I'm gonna make a fanvid. About shinyeffects. Well, my last day of vacation is tomorrow, and then school's back on, double boo hoo. No, make it triple. My exams are starting another 2 weeks, meaning I have to start studying NOW. I'm too lazy~ My mother did warn me about my kind of bad results before, and that I should just stick to studying or she'll take away my laptop. So I was like, WHAT?? MY LAPTOP IS MY LIFE. lol. 

I did earn my laptop though. Cause I did well [extreemely.hehe] in my end-of-the-year Primary exams when I was in Year 6, (here, you have to go through and exam called, UPSR to get to your school of choice) I managed to get all straight As and my (another exam, is called PSRA, is for Islamic students. And yes, I'm a Muslim.. But I like brefriending everyone~) I got overall percent 95.2%, which is kind of great, since people don't get 90 much~ and I was able to go to a prestige school, just that it's public, not private any more. Yeah, I used to go to private schools~ 

My grades didn't actually dropped, it just decreased little by little. I was kind of depressed (not really, after surveying the internet, hehe) because from the March exam, I got 10 out of 13, then 9, ongoing, 8. I know, right? People consider me somewhat smart, since my face is kind of matured but at the same time a lil bit chubby and cute(haha. i can't see mirrors. I'll just untie my hair and start to pose like Sulli, Suzy, Jiyoung, etc. The maknaes!) and I sometimes wear glasses. People say I should wear contacts, but those things hurts my eyes, even though I haven't worn them yet. I can be considered *blind* when I'm not wearing glasses. Hehe.. 

Damn. Forgot what I was gonna say here. Something about my fics.. Oh YEAH! Just remembered. hehe. 

I'm gonna open an apply section, of Epic Drama, where people don't get to be in the drama but watch it, with me. Hehe.  But I have to finish It's True Love first.. 

I'm wondering if I should make a one-shot of Hello too. Or perhaps a five-shot like Super SHINee, just that it's based on every member's POV and what they were doing.

[Keyber should have it perrfect! Like Key was waiting endlessly for Amber, for her to go out of her house, and then, he would propose. Or Jongna, maybe Jonghyun was a secret admirer of Luna, she is somewhat popular :) and then Ontoria would be like, on their first day of marriage even though Onew was just there and the lyrics don't quite match. I'm a hardcore shipper of Ontoria, remember? )hehe( TaeLli.. would be so CUTE! I mean, it would be like, Taemin making something for Sulli when they were in an art class, and Taemin kept doing it all over and over again because he thought it wasn't perfect. MinStal, OMG.. it would be like, Minho's finally dating Krystal, waiting in front of her house and their first date. and then the endings would be the girls' thoughts about each of them. AHH! I have to make the video first, though..]

So, what do you guys think of my ramblings ? hehe. The Epic Drama, should I do it? I mean, the applying part. The Hellooo video I am sure to make it, and I'll link you shinyeffects shippers to it, don't worry, but am still unsure about the Hello five shot. AH, and any studying tips? I really need to excel this end-of-the-year exam.. More importantly, remembering tips. I've already made songs with Kpop music (LOL but it's true~) made some acronyms for science [I HATE my science teacher. He loves to scramble things and then explaining it, without any of us understanding) so I have to learn Science by myself. 



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Aigo, unnie, good luck! Hmm, my exams are ending today. OTL. Well you could like read through your text book or notes, mark the impt ones, or summarise a chapter, like write it in a notebook or queue/cue? (lol sorry Idk how to spell) cards, or draw mindmaps to help you understand the topic better. If you don't know anything you can like, ask someone then make some notes. All the best for your exams!<br />
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Ooh, if you make the Hello 5-shots I would gladly read, rofl. The apply thing seems cool! Save a space for me if you're planning to include the apply! Haha.