This is some type of fangirl...

So I saw  this. (warning: Mature content!)

And my response:


I'm kind of disturbed. Okay, seriously, I'm really disturbed. Sorry to offend any one of you who do this, but honestly, that's just wrong.



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Omg, dang, ewww. She has a bf and wants Zico? Ohhellno.
partiallystars #2
In all honesty, I'm LOLing so hard at this. This is one of the most ridiculous posts for a confession and I feel pretty bad for her boyfriend... yeah. XD
Kpop2ne1 #3
That's just wrong. Feel bad for the guy :/ some people just really need to get it in their heads that we have 0% chance of ever being with our biases 0_0 well.... I agree with @Cotton these ARE the type of posts that would freak out the idols if they ever stumble upon them ...
that's just nasty.
...These are the kind of posts that make idols cringe if they ever stumble across them.

You can think that, but seriously. Keep it to yourself. Please.
Why would she post that? That was just sick O.o
minstah #7
Lol what did I just read. o.e
..........that is soooooooooo not weird and awkward at all *note the sarcasm*
.....That is just SO wrong.
Who does that? This is, no...just no...i have no words....
Ummmmm...okay then....
Jkitty_123 #12
O.o wth did I just read wow I'm just..... No comment. Smh
That is a little... hard to describe with words? Its just plain awk I guess...