my butler ❤ application

    username: Prettyangel25
           profile link: *Click Me*


Name: Hwang MinJee "Blake"
Age: 16

Height: 168
Weight: 46kg

  • Family & Friends
  • Fashion
  • Luxury Goods
  • Gossips
  • Ice Cream
  • Herself
  • Money
  • Spicy Foods
  • Photography
  • Action & Comedy Movies
  • Star Gazing
  • Music
  • Fashion
  • Vintage Clothing
  • Pastel Colors
  • Music


  • Spiders
  • Thunder & Lightning
  • People who wear socks with sandals
  • Being asked stupid questions
  • Early Mornings
  • Blueberries
  • Cucumbers & Pickles
  • Raw tomatoes
  • Clowns
  • Dark, cramped places
  • Anyone who hurts her loved ones
  • Silence 
  • Following Rules


ulzzang or model: Lee DaSom
pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
back-up ulzzang or model: Baek Su Min
pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Clothes you wear to a party: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


Blake is a very stubborn, strong-willed girl. She refuses to change who she is for anybody; she doesn't care who you are or who you think you are, if you want her to change it ain't happening. If your asking her to do something that is against her personal morals, she'll walk out loudly and leave without any regrets. She hates being told what to do; unless your an adult who possess some sort of meaning to her, she'll tell you "Mind your business, before i throw you off a cliff" with her famous smirk.

Blake loves sports and spent practically her life being an athlete. Being involved in a lot of athletic activities cause her to become extremely competitive. She loves to win and hates to lose. She expects nothing less than 1st place. Despite her competitive nature, she isn't one to brag about her successes. Sports are what keep this girl in check. In other words, the only reason she trys to stay out of trouble is because of her love for sports.

Blake is a fun-loving, energetic teenager. There is never a dull moment in her presence. She's the life of the party no matter where she is or who she's with. She loves to make corny, lame jokes. Sometimes her jokes are a little on the erted side, but that's just how she roles. When your with her, its a guarantee that you'll smile or laugh. She hates being cute, instead she wants people to see her as a cool, charismatic person.

Blake is not afraid to express her opinions. She says what's on her mind without think twice. If she doesn't like something/somebody, she's going to say to their face. She isn't mean/rude to someone for no reason; she always has a reason, even if that reason may be as simple as "You annoy me". If you insult her her acid like tongue will cut you into a million pieces and her powerful words will stab you in the heart like a dagger. She is extremely sarcastic and has a foul mouth. Violence isn't a problem for her either, even though she rarely hurts anyone physically. It often happens when she throws something at someones head ( a ball, pencil/pen.....her shoe) when she is bored and is around someone she doesn't like or when she kicks someone off of their chair because she doesn't want them sitting next to her.

Blake doesn't and refuses to back down from a challenge; no matter how big or small. If she wants something you better believe she's going to get it and will do whatever it takes to get it. See the problem with that Blake tends to encounter is that she doesn't seem to understand what the meaning of the word 'no' is. When someone tells Blake 'no' she takes this as a challenge, as if your saying 'no' because you think that she won't be able to handle the consequences. Don't get it twisted, Blake does know the difference between what's right and what's wrong; if she thinks what she is doing is right and just then she's going to continue to do it weather you approve of it or not.

If she really wanted to be Blake can be extremely manipulative, even through good means. She has no problem with getting other people to see things exactly the way she does. This only happens because she can actually see things from other people’s point of view; thanks to her great network of friends. She is skilled in the art of convincing people and can easily fool them. Blake has a very unpredictable intentions; she seems to go back and forth between good and bad. Sometimes her opinions and personality change from time to time.

Blake strongly believes in the classic saying ‘survival of the fittest’. Even if he has one obstacle thrown at him after the other, she refuses give up, and would continue to conquer one before moving onto the next. Blake absolutely despises unfinished business. That is why if you even think about getting on this young lady's bad side, for example, promising her you would do something and then don't, or try to start a fight with her or one of her loved ones; Blake will act like her own personal KARMA and come after you until she is able to get his revenge in the most diabolical, malevolent way possible.

Blake doesn't make friends easily; it takes a lot to gain her trust. When you get to know her properly she will rarely call you by your name. She has little nicknames for her friends and calls them that weather they like it or not. Blake is very protective of her family and friends; if you mess with them your messing with her and that's something you don't want to do. She'll make sure to get you back in the most diabolical way possible. She would never abandon someone who really needs her, no matter what her thoughts are of that person might be.


Blake was born and raised in Milan, Italy. She grew up in a full house with a total of 7 people (including herself); her grandparents, her mother, her father and her two twin big brothers. Her mother was Korean and her father was Italian-Japanese. Since her mother was a fashion designer and her father was a music producer;her family was pretty rich. Blake and her brothers were raised by their grandparents because their parents were always too occupied with their jobs to raise their children (which is the real reason why they lived with their grandparents).  When Blake was 6 years old her parents got a divorce. After the divorce was final and her mother got full custody of the kids, she decided to move back to her hometown in South Korea.

The big move to South Korea was very difficult for Blake and her brothers, they didn't want to live in South Korea. First of all they didn't even know a single word of Korean, yeah they would hear their mother speak in Korean every now and then but they never really paid any attention. They officially moved to South Korea in August, they were all very cranky and upset on the flight there and on the car ride. After a couple of months the three children got used to the different culture and were picking up the Korean language pretty fast.  

Blake has adjusted quite well into the Korean culture, but she will never forget her Italian-Japanase roots. She and her brothers visit their father and grandparents in Italy ever summer and stay there for 1-2 months. They all may be fluent in Korean, Italian & Japanese, but sometines when they are speaking in Korean or Japanese they mix in a little Italian every now and then because that was their first lanugage.

Level: Sole
How you got to St.Lucia's Academy: Blake got in because he family ahs history with the academy. Everybody form her father's side of the family had gone to St. Lucai's Academy, and so did her brothers. It was no surprise when Blake got accepcted into the academy along with her butler.
Years attended the school: 4 years


Who will be your butler?: Kim Himchan- B.A.P
What's his rank?: C
HimChan can be described as confident and hilarious. He is a smooth guy who almost seems like the bad boy type. His intense stares and his amazing good looks can turn a girl’s knees to jelly. HimChan does everything from aegyo to y lip and finger sniffing. This man knows no limits. He is an epic romantic, and is so cheesy that it hurts. He goes all out for everything and is the type that gets jealous easily. He loves to talk and is kind of like a broken record; once you’ve got him started it’s very difficult to get him to stop. He loves to lighten dark moods with his charming sense of humor and is always found being the nice guy who cares a little bit too much.
How long has he been your butler?: 6 months- they have become very close in the 6 months they've been together


Your butlers Japanese name: Ichigo
Your characters Japanese name: Rukia
Are your manners good? No...not really only when she really wants something from someone will she be polite
Comments or questions?: Blake allows her friends to call her Bailey, HimChan loves to call Blake Baby Girl or Princess but around adults and her brothers he calls Bailey


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