EVERYONE i need help picking a song -^-^-

Hi Guys~ \(-^-^- )- *furiously waving* I want to start posting up YouTube videos again :DD!! So then i dont have to blow up your notifications xDD But i really want to do a singig cover (maybe a dance cover in the future...) I have donee covers of korean songs before but then it might take a while for me to learn the lyrics~ So Yes! You may request K-Pop but if you could request an english song that'd be great! Thanks Guys! I love u guys so much for this! This is like my super big dream to be discovered and give messages to the world that are good (and beat justin ie at his own game >;) )


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yogurtlegs #1
I think i wanna sing cooler than me by mike posner ;3
yogurtlegs #3
I know! So many good songs *-*
DarlingIDo #4
Hmmm this is a hard one...