Does he care?

I don't know what happened to us. We always fight everyday.. My friends says maybe its because we haven't seen each other for a month already. Yes, a month! Even though were in the same country we don't have time, or i guess i should say He doesn't have time. See, he was assigned in Abu dhabi for God knows how long.. and im left here in Dubai.. I know he can just drive back here on week ends and see me but instead his family asks him to go to here and there.. The worst part is even though he gets off from work, i don't even get a single text from him. I've confronted him about this.. I even accused him of having someone else, but then he completely denied all of my assumptions. He even said that i should not think bad about him. But then i wonder, why isn't he doing things to make me feel important. I've tried so hard to understand.. but im the only one doing something to make this relationship work. I have broken up with him for 5 times.. 5 TIMES!!! But he refuses to do so... Saying that he will never let me go. "You think i will let you go? It will not happen." I know it sound a little creepy, but thats the only reason i know that he truly loves me.. but why treat me like crap? Why ignore me like im not his girl? I dont know what to do anymore. I'm so fed up with being treated like i'm not important!


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