0.0 You guys are scary...

Okay, I just posted my first fanfic and WOWZA! You guys have done it again. I am officially shocked at how much love you guys are giving me. Excuse me while I go try to figure out what I did in a past life to bring such incredibily awesome people into my life.

*le walks away*

*le returns*

All I have to say about you guys is....ME GUSTA.

Seriously though, you guys are A-MAZING~!

Thank you so  much for commenting and subscribing! I am in a state of complete amazement! You guys are incredible! And fast...really fast...scarily fast...did I mentio you guys are fast?

Anywhoo~! I'm almost done with the first chapter, so to all the people who have asked me to update(you know who you are) I WILL UPDATE SOON! Most likely when my aunt bursts into my room and asks me why I'm being such a lazy bum and not writing like my Pocky depends on it(Mmmmm, Pocky~! *noms on Pocky*).

Again, THANK YOU! You guys are the best! :D



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