Advice please?


im sooooo nervous

im going on a date tomorrow night

we are going on a sushi date

and its at a really cute japanese restaurant

but im soooooooo nervous

i really want to impress my date

because i really like this person


does anyone know how i can calm some pre-date jitters?


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heechulismylove #1
Thank you everyone for your advice! I'll let you all know how it goes! :D
Is it a girl or a guy?
Writing to express my feelings always calms me down and somehow gives me a sense of what to do when I'm finished.
SO cute~~~ Well, and I know this sounds redundant, but just be your self. Seriously! It works. If you keep your mind focused on impressing him it'll do the opposite. Just embrace the night as it comes and have a good time. If you are enjoying yourself, your date will probably too~ Good luck on your date!!