커플 보모 Couple Babysitting ; 【An All New Reality Show】 Application

Application Form

AFF Username: SeungyunLee

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/5973


Personal Information

Name: Lee Seungyun

Nickname(s): Kris

Birthday & Age:18 - 02/06/1993

Blood Type: AB

Height: 152 cm

Weight: 47 kg

Place of Birth: New York

Hometown: New York

Ethnicity: Korean


Appearance & Style






Name of Ulzzang: Lee Yeji







Character Information


   Seungyun is very shy around those that she does not know. She is usually quiet and barely ever starts conversations. When she is with those who are close to her however, she is bubbly and talkative. She is not very outgoing but tries to change herself. She also wants to become less silent and shy around people she does not know. She nags at people because she worries for them, making her seem like a mother. She dislikes shopping for clothes but she likes looking at make-up and jewelry.

   She loves animals and sweets and would secretly jump in glee at the sight of them. However, if she is caught she will ask them to forget what they just saw. Seungyun is a perfectionist and loves symmetry. If she sees a crooked picture, even if it’s not even noticeable, she would try to fix it even if it takes her over fifty tries. She is clumsy and finds herself getting hurt everyday. She would either bump into her desk, trip over her bag, and maybe barge into the wall. She has a height complex and hates it when people make fun of it.










Video games

Fantasy books





Animal abuse

Wasting food



Extremely large crowds

Waking up early





Playing piano

Playing tennis

Playing video games




Pouts when irritated

Can’t help but laugh at any joke even if it’s not funny

Squeals in joy at the sight of animals and sweets

Looks at feet when upset

Puts hands in pocket




Fave food:cookies, chiffon cakes, chocolate, brownies, fruits, mango sorbets, blueberry, strawberry, and peach frozen yogurt

Fave drink: coffee, tea, banana milk, strawberry milk, coffee milk, chocolate milk, plain milk, mango smoothies, taro and milk tea bubble tea

Fave book:The Fallen Series, AVALON ~Web of Magic~ series, The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd series

Blood type:AB

Is VERY cranky in the morning

Has a erted mind

Has a dog named Sylvan



   Seungyun was born and raised in New York. Her English is perfect and is fluent in Japanese because she studied it in school. Her Korean is slightly rusty and needs some improvement. While she was still in New York, she attended LaGuardia High School as an art major until the end of her sophomore year. She had become interested in becoming a singer when she was 15. When she got into an entertainment company, she moved to Seoul by herself. She misses her family however and is failing at taking care of herself a bit. (She can’t cook or clean)

Entertainment Information

Occupation: Member of a Group

Group name: Blaze (made-up)

Stage name: Obsidian

Fan club name: Facets

Fun club colour: Black

Position: Main Vocalist

Persona: The Symmetric Perfectionist

Other Talents: plays the piano, is very good at aegyo

Other jobs: was an MC on M! Countdown

Years of training: 2 years

Training life: Since Seungyun was quiet, she often hung out by herself and had very few friends at first. She was also too busy training and practicing. She wanted to debut as soon as possible and would always practice singing and dancing in her free time.

When did you debut? She just debuted a year ago.

Family and Friends Information


Lee Sangjun (older brother and not famous) - Sangjun is anti-social and only has a few friends. He is very good-looking and all of Seungyun's friends think he's cute. However, he isn't interested in getting a girlfriend. He is very caring to people he knows but can be extremely blunt and harsh at other people he doesn't know. He likes teasing Seungyun about her height.

Other Relatives:none

Friends: Tiffany SNSD, Sunny SNSD, Eunji APink, Taemin SHINee, Key SHINee, Amber f(x), Lee Sungjong Infinite

Relationship Information


1) Yang Yoseob

2) Lee Gikwang

Partners Personality: 

Yoseob - Yoseob is very sweet and caring. He is very fun-loving and has a lot of aegyo. He loves to play around but is very serious when he has to be. He is a hard-worker but is also clumsy.

Gikwang - Gikwang is kind and goofy. He is hilarious and is fun to be with. He is always smiling and rarely gets angry.

Why do you like him?

Yoseob - Seungyun loves his aegyo and finds him adorable even though he is older than her. She fell in love with his voice as well.

Gikwang - Seungyun always has fun when she's with him. She finds him hilarious and enjoys his company. She loves watching him dance.

Good relationship or bad? Why?: Their relationship is good. At first they were awkward becuase they are both shy. Seungyun was never in a relationship before and doesn't know what to do on dates.

Couple name: The Aegyo Couple (sorry if this is unoriginal...D=)

Children Information

Baby name: female - Kim Miyoung

Age: 3 years old

A picture of the child you’re going to babysit:


Their personality:

Miyoung is very polite around strangers. But she never listens to people who are close to her! Miyoung has trouble sleeping at night and can never wake up in the morning. She doesn't cry when she gets hurt unless it's serious. She gets lonely easily and needs people to be with her. She loves puppies and always claps her hands and laughs when she sees one.

Family name: The Puppy Love Family

Other  Information

How would you guys like to meet/where do you want to go on your first date? : They would hang around a cafe and eat sweets together. They are suddenly interupted by Tiffany and Sunny who just so happened to pass by. They would tell them to be more intimate with each other, making Seungyun and her partner blush and feel embarrassed. They pressured the two the whole time. Suengyun and her partner knew that they wouldn't leave until they did what they were told to. Her partner fed Seungyun some of his cake with his fork ithout realizing that they jsut shared an indirect kiss.

How would you guys like to be introduced to the child you’re babysitting? : After their first date, Taemin suddenly came over to the couple. Flashing them a devious smile, he shoved a small envelope into Seungyun's hands and just ran off. Dumbfounded, the couple opens the letter to see a very messily drawing on it. It said, 'Find me.' Puzzled, Seungyun and her partner would try to find where this ermm...place was. It was apparently a playground. (o-o LOL)There, they found random stones leading towards the sandbox. Miyoung was playing in the sandbox and when she saw the couple who were holding the envelope, she ran up them and smiled. The cameraman then told them that she was the baby they had to take care of.

Why do you want to be picked for this story?: I was never in this type story before I would love to see how it feels. I LOVE (xinfinity) B2ST (and yoseob) and would love to be in a fanfic with them. Plus I love babies cuz they're just so sweet.

What is your favourite Beast song?: Oh, that's so hard Dx But I would have to pick Fiction or Shock.

Anything else? 



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