╠♡Electricity♡╣ "Application Form"



╠♡Electricity♡╣ "Application Form"



╰⊰✿ First Setep ✿⊱╮

☼-AFF Link : Here~

☼-Activeness : 10


╰⊰✿ Second Setep ✿⊱╮

☼-Real Name : Song Soojae 

☼-Nickname : Playful Songbird- Because of her personality and impressive singing voice, not to mention her last name being a part of it.

☼-Age : 18 

☼-Birthday : 11/20/1993 

☼-Birthday Place : New York, USA

☼-Ethnicity : Full Korean 

☼-Height : 172 cm.

☼-Weight : 47 kg

☼-Blood Type : AB

☼-Language Spoken : English(fluent), Korean(fluent), Mandarin(improving but almost perfect)


╰⊰✿ Third Setep ✿⊱╮

☼-Ulzzang Name : Park Sora

☼-Ulzzang Pictures : 1-2-3-4-5-6

☼-BackUp Ulzzang Name : Kim Seukhye

☼-BackUp Ulzzang Pictures : 1-2-3

☼-Style :

Casual: Soojae's casual clothes are usually comfortable and cute dresses, skirts, jeans, or anything else, with cool designs and graphics tied with accessories like gloves, scarves, jewelry and hats. 1-2-3


 Formal: y but elegant, the dresses she wear are skin tight but do not reveal too much skin that causes a dramatic allkpop article. The lengths of the outfits shows just the right amount of skin to say, "I know I'm y but this is all you're going to see." 1-2-3

Cute and Innocent: 1-2-3



╰⊰✿ Fourth Setep ✿⊱╮

☼-Personality : Soojae is the funny, naughty, mischievous, variety-material, dorky member. She always loves to make people laugh and feels successful each time, like the moment when you learn how to ride a bike. Well, this feeling was everyday and Soojae is proud of it. She knows she's funny and makes sure to make each day entertaining. She is also protective and kind, especially to her members. If you mess with any of her friends, you have to deal with her. Soojae hate's to disappoint anybody, friends, fans, and family included. Stubborn and easily angered, you do not want to get in a fight with her. She's working on her temper though. Like I said before, Soojae cares a lot about her members and would do anything for them. She expected to be the happy, cheerful one. For the sake of her group, she is. Soojae just isn't ALWAYS like that but she has to hide her true feelings for the other members. Sadness, regret, madness, it's all under the mask. She's the one to comfort her members and other people when they're crying then go backstage and cry by herself. Soojae does not like to show her weak side to people anad wants to appear strong.The question is, who will recognize it?

Mischievous; Song Soojae is the definition of that word. Fearless and shameless, she likes to "cut in" in her member's speaking and add in something funny or embarrassing about it. She is the member who will spice up variety shows and reveal hilarious, true stories about their moments as a group. Soojae is also over dramatic at times. For example, when they were out of almond cookies, she fell to the ground, knees on the floor and outstretched her arms, shouting, "NOOOooooo!" Her only excuse to this behavior is that it makes life more interesting. Despite her frail and fragile frame, Soojae is actually pretty athletic, having a lot of her energy to tire anyone out. Because of her athletic abilities, Soojae has a friendly rivalry with Minho of SHINee in sports.

You know how every group has the member who zones out/daydreams? You guessed it, Soojae is THAT member, the one who will wander away from the group, the one who will be so out of it that she doesn't answer you immediately, and the one who will smiling to herself creepily. Such a dork would also be her. Dancing in the rain or in the middle of the room suddenly, mouthing lyrics to herself with a faraway look in her eye (once again, her "in another world" characteristic), and jumping up and down during speeches excitedly. She is really just a social butterfly. Even though, Soojae is aware of her singing abilities and unique, powerful voice, confident enough to sing right on the spot. She takes performing seriously and is possibly the member who most wants to get her voice heard across the world. Training hours, almost everyday, Soojae is determined and stubborn to get her group famous and known.

☼-Background : Soojae's childhood was pretty normal and not all that exciting. She was born in New York, USA to Do Eunjin and Song Jaesoon. Being an only child, her siblings were here friends she met at school. Surprisingly, Soojae was not popular, but not an outcast either, but just one of those girls who would you call "pretty" and never think of again. Let's say she was not as crazy as she is now, so no suddenly dancing the middle of the room, singing in silence, or prancing in the rain. In fact, Soojae was shy and reserved. To people that acknowledged her present called her "the silent beauty". Only with her friends, was she able to open up, but not transforming completely into the Song Soojae we know today. Yeah, her life was pretty normal. Expected to get exceptional grades from her strict father while balancing her social life. At times, Soojae felt that her father only saw her as an obedient girl who would be successful in life, get married, have children, and that was the end of her story. How bland, don't you agree? She wanted to let herself be free, shout out her true wishes, and runaway, jogging along the railroad tracks and jump into a moving car, like in the movies. Well, first of all, they were in Detroit, where was she going to find a train like that? Second of all, she doubt her father would even let her fulfill her dream. Singing.

Well, this story seems to be dragging on. Why don't we get to the life changing part? When she was 5, Soojae's father was diagnosed with lung cancer. For 6 years, he was struggling in the battle. And after 6 years, he was in the hospital with his family, their last few moments together. "Soojae....go, sing, do what you want to do, sing. That's what you want right?" he said between coughs. Through tears, she only stared blankly at him and nodded. "Good...that's my last wish for you. Sing, be happy...so I'll be happy." And those were his last words, his heartbeat stopped, a smile on his face. And here we are today, Song Soojae is debuting, finally. And she'll make sure, her voice will be heard all across South Korea, the world, and her father, especially, her father.


☼-Likes :


❀Dancing in the rain




Being with friends

Cute and random items


Ice Tea

Twitter (she already has one but her fans don't know...yet)

Playing Pranks

Taking selcas



☼-Dislikes : 

Hot days


Bitter food 

Obnoxious people 


Disappointing people 

Girly, frilly pink clothes 



☼-Hobbies : 

✌Taking selcas

✌Twitter (if that even counts as a hobby...according to Soojae, it does)


✌Playing the guitar


✌All kinds of sports

✌Writing lyrics


✌Listening to music


☼-Habits : 


✗Mumbling in three different languages when stressed, worried, annoyed

✗Daydreaming and zoning out when she's bored

✗Wandering off from the group and ultimately, getting lost



☼-Trivia : 


♛ When going shopping, Soojae comes to the register with endless bags of clothes and accessories. Even though she is a star, that is no excuse for having your credit card maxed out every week. Each time she returns items to afford the others, it is always an emotional process for her. 

♛ Soojae often sang in the shower, belting out high notes and still continues to sing even if her voice cracks. This annoyed the other members so much that they recorded her singing and blackmailed her with it so she would stop singing in the shower. It worked.

♛ As a good luck ritual, she "borrows" one piece of accessory to wear from a member and wears it during important events. Soojae gives back the item after day so the good luck will spread into the future. The other members aren't the fondest of this ritual but allow her to do it anyway.

♛ Soojae loves to going into the rain and just spin around, letting herself get wet. This is "dancing" to her. It just gives her time to relax and forget all her problem. People questioned her ethnics when Soojae gets colds though. 

♛ Because of her cheek habit, all cute artists of SM are conscious of their cheeks when around her. Ex. Lu Han and Xiu Min of EXO-M, Sungmin and Ryeowook of Super Junior.

♛ Soojae and Kyuhyun once decided to play pranks on Super Junior by making them think their dorms were haunted. The evil duo set up cameras to see the show on the TV and laughed while eating popcorn. Eunhyuk screaming like a girl and fast walking out of his room instead of running to maintain his "image" was their favorite part. 

♛ The first time she tried coffee resulted in a spit take in the middle of the cafe, Taemin of SHINee having accompanied her. Can you guess how many pictures were taken? 

♛ During Lay's birthday of EXO-M, Soojae was playing with snow foam can. The birthday candles on the cake were too large so she intelligently decided to spray some foam on the candles to take them out. This caused the FLAMMABLE foam to set the cake on fire. Because of this, Soojae had to clean up after the party.

♛ When Soojae first arrived to SM, she mistook Tao as a robber because of his dark clothes and looks. She quickly performed a spectactular roundhouse kick to his face. As punishment, she had to take care of him until his face was better. Now, they just look back at it and laugh. In fact, they take selcas together! Selca buddies!



╰⊰✿ Fifth Setep ✿⊱╮

☼-Father : Song Jaesoon / 52 / Was the owner of a chain of resorts and hotels back in the USA / They did not have the best father-daughter relationship, Jaesoon being very strict on Soojae but they were close and cared deeply for each other.

☼-Mother : Do Eunjin / 48 / Owner of a bakery in Seoul / She supports Soojae's decision and loves her very much. Eunjin is protective, caring, and motherly but sometimes can embarass her daughter.

☼-Siblings : Soojae is an only child and does not have any siblings.

☼-Family Background : As I said before, Soojae did not have an exactly loving relationship with her father. She believed he did not care about her dreams and wishes, only as a daughter he can marry off to make his company more successful. Her mom told her that Jaesoon really did care about her and what she wanted but only did Soojae believed it when Jaesoon told her to go sing and live her dream.

☼-Friends : 


Jonghyun / 22 / SHINee - Jonghyun loves to baby Soojae and adores her, finding her extremely cute, no matter what she's doing. He likes her the most out of the group and is constantly doing skin ship with Soojae, usually against her will and giving her nicknames, like "Baby Jae" and "My Soojae". Jonghyun is like an overprotective father and is suspicious of any guy who even looks at her, including his fellow members. He's sorta like her personal fanboy. Even though she gets annoyed at this sometimes, they're still good friends.


Lay/Yixing / 20 / EXO-M / At first, Lay wouldn't even look at Soojae, much less, talk to her. The two were merely acquaintances. Eventually, she learned he shared the same interests as her. Guitar playing and songwriting. After Soojae's endless persistence and persuasion, Lay opened up to her, little by little. Reading each other's lyrics and playing the guitar to each other and laughing and smiling excessively with Soojae, he felt comfortable with her. Maybe somewhere along those little performances, he fell for. Hard. It was odd for him, feeling for the first time, jealousy.

G-Dragon/Jiyoung / 23 / Big Bang / The two both write lyrics and Soojae admires him a lot for that. Jiyoung crtitiques her writing and gives her tips on songwriting, and life in general.  He is like a father figure to Soojae, never failing to put a smile on her face, and she feels comfortable with him. Because he is her role model, Soojae feels flustered around him, afraid to embarrass herself in front of him.


☼-Bestfriend : 

Key/Kim Kibum / 20 / SHINee / Both divas and fashionistas, they love to waste time together. Key completely gets Soojae and matches her excitement and energy. They watch out for each other's backs and if anyone hurts her, they have to face him and it usually doesn't end well. The two are like inseparable siblings and are protective of one another. Key is also the one to save Soojae from Jonghyun's excessive skin ship, lecturing him about personal space.



☼-Rival :  

Krystal / 17 / f(x) /  Soojae doesn't know the exact reason why Krystal hates her but assumes it because of the popularity they've already gained even before debut. Krystal also despises her personality and silliness, thinking her not serious about work. She strives to make Krystal like her though. Attempts? 54. Success? 0. Soojae makes sure to count.



╰⊰✿ Seventh Setep ✿⊱╮



☼-Love Interest : Kris/Wu Fan

☼-Personality : Kris cares a lot for s and is serious about what he does. He doesn't like people who don't take the life of an idol to heart. He is grateful for his fans and similar to Soojae, does not want to disappoint anybody.

☼-How Did You met : They were both trainees before they debuted and often practiced together, having similar schedules. They didn't like it that much actually.

☼-How Do You act Toward Each Other : It's a love-hate relationship. Soojae calls him a "killjoy" and "too serious", while Kris thinks her "immature" and "silly". They try to get along for the sake of their groups but continue the banter between them in English. 

☼-Your Relationship with Him : Soojae begins to fall for him though. She doesn't know how, when or why, she just knows she fell in love with Kris. Too bad he doesn't like her back. Or does he? Who knows, she may just be too naive to see how much he cares for her, too naive to see how he acts around her. All they need is a little push, to confess to each other. And that push, is called jealousy.


☼-BackUp Love Ineterest : Chen

☼-Personality : Even though he looks angelic, he is very mischievous and sneaky, being somewhat of a troll towards his fans and group members. He likes to joke around and always appreciates humor. Chen is still kind and is very hardworking.

☼-How Did You Met : EXO and Electricity were trainees together and practiced together often.

☼-How Do You act Toward Each Other : Chen and Soojae view themselves as friends but they do shamelessly flirt with each other but they do not admit it themselves. From playful banter to more-than-friendly-skinship touches, anyone who sees think they are a couple. Both groups like to pair them togther.

☼-Ex-Lover : None 

☼-How Did You Become Lovers : N/A

☼-Why Did You Broke Up : N/A


╰⊰✿ Eighth Setep ✿⊱╮

☼-Your Stage Name : None, her real name is her stage name

☼-Position : 


[ 1 ] Main Vocal / Lead Dancer
[ 5 ] Lead Vocal / Sub Dancer
[ 6 ] Sub Vocal / Lead Rapper
[ 2 ] Main Dancer / Main Vocal
[ 8 ] Sub Vocal / Main Rapper
[ 4 ] Lead Dancer / Main Rapper
[ 3 ] Main Dancer / Lead Vocal
[ 7 ] Sub Dancer / Lead rapper
☼-Extra Positions : 
[ X ] Actress
[  ] Musical Actress 
[ X ] MC

☼-Persona : Her personality is the same as her real persona, mischievous, naughty, funny, and choding but hardworking, kind, and gentle.

☼-Fanclub Name : Jaedes

☼-Trainee Years : 6 years, 4 months, 9 days

☼-How Did You Become a Trainee : Soojae auditioned at global SM auditions. There were some mishaps, nothing serious, just that she didn't singing for 2 minutes. Eventually, she closed her eyes and sang. She got in.

☼-Your Trainee Life : Soojae was actually pretty shy in her trainee days. She was sort of a jinx to be honest, breaking mirrors, spilling coke on the sound systems, and tipping over expensive clothing. The only thing that made her not get fired was her polite demeanor and talent. Soon, her bad luck went away and she became more open and more of the Soojae we know today, more naughty and joking.

☼-Favourite Song : Monster - Big Bang, Heartbreaker - G-Dragon, Alone - SISTAR, Sorry(Dear Daddy) - f(x)

☼-Favourite Idol : G-Dragon from Big Bang,  

☼-Ideal Type : Her ideal type is Minho because she is also comptetive and good at sports. Soojae thinks he is also charming and funny.


╰⊰✿ Final Setep ✿⊱╮


☼-Scene Requests :

-Lay and Soojae dancing Troublemaker, making Kris jealous.

-Kris meeting Soojae's mom and learning about her childhood.

-Lay confessing to her when she's asleep and kissing her on the lips, Kris seeing everything.

-When something sad or happy happens, Soojae goes backstage and cries by herself and "someone" sees her weak side.

-Anything fluffy/cute/dramatic things you can think of!~

☼-Suggestions : Uhm, you could, have chapters for individual members and their interactions with other idols.


☼-Comment : Can't wait for the story. ^^ Hope you enjoyed reading this application.


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