Right Now


Because I'm bored, I decided to type my first blog post!! ^^


Listening to: SHINee Ring Ding Dong

Next Song: 4Minute Heart To Heart

Reading now: {PG-13} What Happens When SHINee Chats Online by divadairam on SFI (SHINee forum)

Sitting on: Pink Spinning Chair

On my wrists: Green Silly Band, Band-aid from a cut:(

Feeling: Bored :P

Contemplating: Should I upload the next chapter? :O


- Type an OnTae oneshot

-Upload another chapter of 'Forgotten Memories'

-Take another shower...

-Get off my lazy and excercise


XP LOL... I need to get a life... >.<


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WiERd-GuRL1095 #1
Hm..... I'll go with get up and exercise! You only do it about once a week these days! Even I served my hour jogging around the house and jumping over the red cooler!
upload another chapter!!!<br />
At least you have some ideas. Me? I got nothin. <br />
._. Zero. Zilch. Nada. It's all school's fault.