Vote for MBLAQ!

Hey guys..

So here's the deal. I was wandering around on the mnet 20's choice site.. voting and . 
And then I came across the 20's performance category.. I freaked. Like no joke.. I freaked.

MBLAQ was there.. IN LAST FRIGGIN PLACE! Like wtf is up with that? Are A+ unable to find the damn vote button or something?
Even Ulala session had more votes than MBLAQ. Not cool people.. Not cool.

So please, take some time and go there to vote!

If you don't have an mnet account, you can simply click the log in on the top right and log in either with your facebook or twitter account.
If you have all 3 (MNET, Facebook and twitter), then you can vote 3 times. Voting is once a day, so remember to come back every day~

Seriously, imagine if the MBLAQ boys knew about this.. I'm sure they'd feel really bad about it. Heck, I'm feeling crazy bad about this.. T.T

So vote vote vote!! Pretty please...T.T


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I could not agree with you more! MBLAQ deserves more votes! They're really talented and I don't get why other people can't seem to see that. It's not fair.
KaishkaKo #2
I've been voting every day -.- they were in 3rd place when this started UGH