ggrrrr~~~~!! >~< im so annoyed!~ {OCC}

What the heck is wrong with AFF?!

Everytime I post on someone's wall, i always end up logged off!~~

Then I have to go to that someone's wall again then re-do it!~ >____>

>~~~~< Am I the only one experiencing this problem?!?!


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I hate that!! ALOT!
Me too thats why i have two tabs with AFF open, before I wall post, I relog in on the second tab and then hit post on the first one, helps out some
Ji-Hyun #3
Yeah it happens to me too. It's really irritating ><
@Gyuri: You too? :| I really hate it OTL
Park-Gyuri #5
You're not the only one, unnie >_<