Lee Eun Mi unnie... Hwaiting

Warning: There will be anger, descriptions of violence and probable cussing.


Lee Eun Mi is .. was the lead vocal of Iris.

Do you know what happened to her? She was stabbed by her ex-boyfriend.

One night, she was just walking home, minding her own business. Maybe replying to a text once in a while; looking at the cute clothes in the windows of the shops she was walking past.

Suddenly, there was only pain as she screamed in pain and turned around to see him. Him, with a bloody knife in his hand, glinting under the moonlight, laughing at her pain as she was stabbed again.. and again.

At least he's caught.

But there will never be a Lee Eun Mi of Iris again.

Why did all of this happen? Because she did not want to marry him. Maybe she had seen the scary furiousness hidden in his eyes, maybe she did not want to marry someone yet. Maybe she never wanted to marry him.

It still gives no one any right to kill another.

No matter how ing angry you say you are, that still does not give you an ounce of excuse when you take the life of someone else.

Because when someone dies, they never ever come back.

This is actually one of the few things I agree on with my mother because if it was up to me, either he dies/jail for life or I do the deed myself.

Believe it or not, apparently this is the type of thing that makes me cry. It's also given me something I want to do in the future.

I want to be the one to make people feel sorry for what they did, to feel so much pain, to never want to see themselves again. I want to make them never able to kill a fly.

Why did I post all this here, from my iPod? Because... Lee Eun Mi is Korean ~

and I got this from allkpop

2011.06.22 - XYZ


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Wow...... I was surprised when I heard this from other rpers.. And I definitely agree on you. He doesn't..no anyone, any person DOESN'T HAVE A RIGHT to kill another living being. It's all against God! Aish. People...we're just to greedy, that's it. Period. -____-
I know I read this on allkpop and I almost cried and I didn't even know iris:'(
This is terrible. Rest I peace is all I can say.
Also..it seems as though <b >< /b > <i ></ i> don't work here..x3
:( Lee Eun Mi rest in peace. You never deserved such a fate, and I pray for your family. Thanks for posting this, people should know~
I don't even listen to Iris but this is horrible. The guy who did this is seriously effed up in the head. Iris Hwaiting.