Has anyone thought about starting a real legit girl group?

I've been thinking and wondering,is anyone really interested in starting a girl group getting known worldwide all over the country,cause I have but I can rap (With pratice) and Dance real well,but I can't sing real well (I guess I'm ok since no one flinches when I sing,but no one jumps out of their seats to applaud) I can come up with good lyrics but I can't make beats due to me not having equipment for it and I'm 18 with no job right now I will in a few weeks and parents refuse to give me money.


I would love to start a girl group with some girls though there are trust issues,you know the whole internet predator thing and how far people live I would love to have or be apart of a girl group with different races too you know one black girl one asian girl,Latino girl,white girl, IDC I just want to make it happen! It sounds far fetch and crazy but I know it could happen with lots of hard work and who knows maybe a member can speak another language we made a song in that language and it helps boost popularity!


It sounds insane when I read it but it is just a thought I just want to know if anyone else was thinking the same thing as me.


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