And I thought we were going somewhere.

So I met this boy his name is Zack. We began texting non stop since april. So this past week things got different, He'd say Goodnight I love you too me every night.

Sweet right.





It was sweet in the beginning and then today he asked me If I ever sent pictures to boys...

Am I a .. Nope.

So I told him no

But then he kept persisiting...

I'm not a let me tell you this

So I told him that I'm not a and Im not that kind of girl.

He stopped for an hour. Then proceeds to send me a very horrifying picture.

So now I have had to block his number deleted his texts and now I want to scrub my brain out with bleach and holy water

Sorry I needed to vent that


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Oh God O____O what a disgusting ...
ewwww... I go sick because of guy's like that!! >.< And that makes me not wanting a boyfriend even more (maybe if he was my kpop bias....)
EXOtic123 #3
whe you mean horrifying picture, you dont mean his pics right?! :( so mean...
mrsb2st #4
Wow... that is... disgusting. I really feel for you. I'm sorry. D:
But on the plus side you did the very smart thing and persistantly said no~ You won't ever have to see him again right? :/

And trust me, don't ever worry about venting stuff like this. If you want to just talk to someone personally, you can PM me. :)

Mmm.... have you told an adult about this too? :/