✭ Seoul Underground ::: Shin Somin - unfinished


 Seoul Underground 

 shin somin | 신소희 ; 


 bad boys, bad boys

Username: --cottoncandy
Link to Profile: ayyowadhupkreeaasseee!
What Should I Call You?: Unice
Activitity Level: 8

 don't you know you're human being

Name: Shin Somin


nabbeun somin [ nabbeun means evil ]- the rumors gave her that name.

dangerous min - a name given by Yunho.

mademoiselle red [ mademoiselle is a french word - it means lady. so it's like,lady red ] - her codename. mademoiselle red because she absolutely loves red and like to wear red lipstick and red high heels. 

lazy pig - she's very very very very lazy. 

giant evil genious - a name given by changmin.

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Birthday: August 16,1992

Ethnicity: Full Asian

Birthplace: Seoul,South Korea

Hometown: Jeju,South Korea

Spoken Languages: Fluent Korean,Fluent Chinese (Mandarin) and Conversational Japanese

Blood Type: A


 reflections come and reflections go

Ulzzang/Model Name: Ryn of CherryKoko

Links: i spazz | hard | because of | exo, | can't | contain | my | feels ] [ more here ]

Backup Ulzzang/Model Name: Ban Nam Gyu

Links: [ careless | careless | shoot | anonymous anonymous ] [more | here ]

Height: 172cm & 5'7"

Weight: 112lbs & 51kg

Style: she absolutely likes wearing skinny jeans or denim shorts,she always matches it with branded bags and a loose shirt. somin is a fashionista so don't expect that she'll wear clothes that are...you know what i'm talking about. she's not comfortable when she wears too much accessories and too much make-up on her face. Sometimes,her style is plain and simple. she's okay with it if she's wearing short skirts but she doesn't skirts with cute desings on it. she also likes wearing pumps for her shoes but people who are smaller than her would complain that she's too tall already so sometimes she doesn't have any choice but to wear sneakers or flats.

links - count | on | me | like | one | two | three ]



an infinity sign tattoo.  her favorite necklace that she would always wear . a infinity ring ( somin thinks the ring brings her good luck )


 acting like a bloody fool


{ she hates you,babo she's a monster! } do you ever believe in the saying that don't judge a book by it's cover? if not, then let Somin be my example for this ever-so-famous quote. you see,Somin looks quiet and innocent,in short,she's like an angel sent down from Heaven...but you're wrong! Somin has an evil personality. She's rude,arrogant,sarcastic,mean,quite cold,bossy,conceited,blunt,a bully,selfish and more! but all i can say,Somin is a PURE EVIL person. People say that she doesn't have any heart at all because she only loves herself,her work,that's all. She doesn't care about anyone. Somin has this evil laugh that can send chills,down on your spine. With one of her y evil smirk,guys would melt because of it. Guys still couldn't help but court her despite of her personality but she keeps on rejecting them. She's the character that you'll hate,forever.

{ heart breaker! } Somin is a flirty chick. Everytime a guy courts  her and gives her some flowers or chocolates,she'll smirk and flirt with him but after that,she'll dump the guy and she's always throw the gifts that was given to her. She would even humiliate the guy by shouting "Stupid! You're too ugly! You're too cheap!". Well it depends if that guy is really ugly or cheap. She thinks that dumping a guy and giving them a broken heart is fun and funny. Somin is also good with seducing guys,It really has a big effect on guys when she does it but then at the end,She's just playing with them like toys. She thinks that Guys are all the same,well except for her crush,Jung Yunho,the leader of Game,a assassin organization that Somin belongs to. Somin is Yunho's favorite assassin because Somin is one of the best in their organization. The reason why she's good at it? She wants Yunho to notice her,She'll do anything. She even flirts with him,hardcore.

{ naughty mademoiselle! } besides those evil traits that was mentioned a while ago,somin has more evil traits. somin is a selfish one. she doesn't like it when people touch her stuffs. if she saw someone touching it,she'll growl at that person and scold that person like "don't touch that babo! or else..." then she'll glare at the person. it's a signal that you're dead.  somin sometimes hides the things of the rumor's things and will ignore them if they ask her where did she put that 'thingy'. she's a big prankster. she's fast at thinking horrible pranks so,if your somin's victim,better hung up yourself in the bathroom and say goodbye to the whole universe. don't trust somin too much because y'know she's really evil. she's the girl who would spread your secrets or sometimes,she spreads gossips and she really likes humiliating people. if you made her angry,better run away because she will pull a big and scary prank on you or what ever mean stuffs.

{ and the spotlight goes to....somin! } somin is one of the best assasins in game. she's sneaky,violent and has a very good fighting skills. that's why a lot of guys in the game organization admires her too and a lot of girls hates her. she doesn't really care what other people thinks of her. somin is a genious and she's also considered as the female version of einstein. she's wise,has a common sense and smart. 

{ soft side you say? uhmmmm,let's see... } she has a soft spot for kids,her two puppies and her best friend,Luhan. She really has a soft side but she only shows it to Luhan. On her soft and nice side,she's sweet,caring and thoughtful. Sounds impossible right? The reason why she acts so evil it's because of her past but let's get to the main point that she doesn't want people to think that she's weak so that's why she acts evil,evil is a definition of Strong,according to her. She's that girl who doesn't give up easily. She hates being ignored too. She'll do anything to get everyone's attention. She'll do anything to do good on her work. She's always ready and prepared. She's too brave and confident of herself.

Likes: [5+]

Dislikes: [5+]

Hobbies: [2+]

Habits: [3+]

Fears/Phobias: [2+]

Trivia: [5+ Don't be shy, I love trivia! Any drinking habits? Do you sleep funny? Brush your teeth seven times a day? Drive a car? Get drunk after just one beer? Always carry lollipops in your pocket? Tell me!]

 born of a mother with the love of a father

Family: [Include their name, age, occupation, living or deceased, relationship to your character, and how they act around/feel about each other. Little bit of personality would be nice, but not necessary. Don't include extended family if they are not important, but do so if they are. Example: if you were raised by your grandparents, then mention them. Idol family members are allowed, but don't be dumb. No, you are not related to Kim Jonghyun and Kim Kibum at the same time. If you are related to Jung Jessica though, you are related to Jung Krystal too as they are biological sisters. Be sure to mention if they are part of the Undergound or SMPA or not, and if they know you are part of the Underground.]

History: [Minimum of 1 paragraph. Go as crazy as you want here, but really simple pasts are lovely, too! How was your school life? Was there a little bakery you always went to? Was there a kid next door who used to beat you up? And remember, not everyone has had a really horrible or angsty past! Do not put your criminal history here, that will come later.]

Family History: [Same as above. However, focus more on the family side of your history. For example, how life was growing up with them. Were your parents all loving? Were you raised by your grandparents, instead? Did your sister move out of the house when you were twelve, and how did you feel about it? Things like that.]

 why did you have to act so mean

Criminal Occupation: 


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