w ι s h íng ★ ƒ ι ɾ ε application

Username: Prettyangel25
Profile link : *Click Me*

Name: Vanessa Annabella Lee
Stage Name: Vanalee- It's a combination of her first and last name
Any Other Nicknames:

  • Baby V- Her brother and band-mates call her this because of her personality on stage
  • Nessie- This is name that everyone addresses her
  • Bells- Her brother calls him this when he's teasing her (he loves to call her this on tv just to embarass her)
  • Annalee- The boys the group call her this, no one remebers who started it but for some reason this is what they call her

Age: 19
Birthday: 14/02/93

  • European
    • Italian- Her mother is 50% Italian
    • Cuban- Her mother is 50% Cuban
  • Asian
    • Korean- Her father is 100% Korean

Spoken Languages:

  • Fluent
    • Italian- Her mother tongue
    • English
    • Korean
  • Semi-Fluent
    • Chinese Mandarin
  • Basic/ Learning
    • Japanese

What Are You Auditioning For? 1- Main Dancer, Lead Rapper | 2-Main Rapper, Lead Dancer | 3- Main Vocal, Sub Rapper

  • Dancing- Vanessa has been rapping since she was 3 years old. Her mother was a professional ballet dancer and she was the one who influenced her children to begin to take dance lessons and become a dancer just like her.
  • Rapping- Rapping has always been something that Vanessa just enjoyed doing. She enjoys doing rap covers and writing her own raps. Her lyrics are almost like her diary (kinda like Taylor Swift) they express how she feels at that point in time.
  • Singing- Vanessa has a beautiful voice and has been singing since she could talk. Singing is for Vanessa is just as important to her as dancing and rapping are, she just doesn't sing as much as she dances or raps

Name of Ulzzang: Angelababy
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Name of Backup Ulzzang: Sin Bi
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

  • Vanessa’s casual style is a little bit on the classy side. She prefers to wear shirts that are very professional looking. Her wardrobe is full with blazers in many sizes, lengths, and colors. She also has a lot of sheer blouses that she wears over white camisoles. Vanessa is in love with soft, pastel colors- mainly different shade of blue, green, and pink. She will pair these off with a pair of skinny jeans or jean shorts. This girl loves to accessorize her outfits, she doesn’t overdo it but she doesn’t under do it either. She has a Mickey Mouse watch that she got from her eldest brother that she keeps with her at all times even while she’s preforming and sleeping. She doesn’t even take it off when she showers. Vanessa is the kind of girl that always carries a purse with her wherever she goes. Her purse has everything that she will need throughout the day. She prefers to wear light makeup- basically a bit of lip gloss, a hint of eye shadow and eyeliner. She likes to play around with her hair and doesn’t have a usual hair style. This is also how she goes to variety shows and other public appearances.
  • For formal events, Vanessa likes to wear short dresses that have lace detailing; she likes to pair them up with sheer black or white tights. To top it all off she throws on a blazer or cropped sweater with her purse and a pair of stilettos. She doesn’t wear as much jewelry as she does when she’s dressing casually, just a simple ring and bracelet of two and of course the necklace that her mother gave to her. She only wears the necklace to really important events. This is what she wears to award shows or to something that’s really big and fancy. She likes to either put her hair in a side ponytail of she leaves it out and keeps it wavy.
  • On stage her image is very y with a splash of hip hop. She likes to wear bold colors in her makeup like red lipstick and black smoky eye shadow. Her hair is always messy and wild, but that somehow put her outfit together.
  • Piercings~ V  I  P

~In General~ Vanessa is a very stubborn, strong-willed girl. She refuses to change who she is for anybody; she doesn't care who you are or who you think you are, if you want her to change it ain't happening. If you’re asking her to do something that is against her personal morals, she'll walk out loudly and leave without any regrets. She hates being told what to do; unless you’re an adult who possess some sort of meaning to her, she'll tell you "Mind your business, before I throw you off a cliff" with her famous smirk.

Vanessa doesn't and refuses to back down from a challenge; no matter how big or small. If she wants something you better believe she's going to get it and will do whatever it takes to get it. See the problem with that Vanessa tends to encounter is that she doesn’t seem to understand what the meaning of the word 'no' is. When someone tells Vanessa 'no' she takes this as a challenge, as if your saying 'no' because you think that she won't be able to handle the consequences. Don't get it twisted, Vanessa does know the difference between what's right and what’s wrong; if she thinks what she is doing is right and just then she's going to continue to do it whether you approve of it or not.

Vanessa is not afraid to express her opinions. She says what's on her mind without think twice. If she doesn't like something/somebody, she's going to say to their face. She isn't mean/ rude to someone for no reason; she always has a reason, even if that reason may be as simple as "You annoy me". If you insult her acid like tongue will cut you into a million pieces and her powerful words will stab you in the heart like a dagger. She is extremely sarcastic and has a foul mouth. Violence isn't a problem for her either, even though she rarely hurts anyone physically. It often happens when she throws something at someone’s head ( a ball, pencil/pen.....her shoe) when she is bored and is around someone she doesn't like or when she kicks someone off of their chair because she doesn't want them sitting next to her.    

Vanessa doesn't make friends easily; it takes a lot to gain her trust. When you get to know her properly she will rarely call you by your name. She has little nicknames for her friends and calls them that weather they like it or not. Vanessa is very protective of her family and friends; if you mess with them you’re messing with her and that's something you don't want to do. She'll make sure to get you back in the most diabolical way possible. She would never abandon someone who really needs her, no matter what her thoughts are of that person might be.

Romance isn't something that Vanessa thinks about often. She thinks love is a distraction and she can’t afford to have any distractions in her life. She feels that all love brings is a massive heartache. Yes, she has seen those old married couples that have been together for more than 50 years, but that isn't enough to convince her that love is a good thing. She made a vow to herself that she would never let her guard down and if a guy wanted access to her heart they would need a bulldozer in order the break down the wall she created and they have to swear they will never hurt her in any shape of form....EVER!!

~On Stage/ Reality TV~ Vanessa isn’t much different on stage then when she’s off.  She’s still the same blunt, stubborn, non-love believer Vanessa. Though there in one minor change in her behavior on stage. She seems to use a lot of aegyo on stage than she does off stage. Other than the whole over usage of aegyo; there really isn’t any difference in her personality.

~Around her friends and band-mates~ Vanessa is a fun-loving, energetic woman. There is never a dull moment in her presence. She's the life of the party no matter where she is or who she's with. She loves to make corny, lame jokes. Sometimes her jokes are a little on the erted side, but that's just how she roles. When you’re with her, it’s a guarantee that you'll smile or laugh. Since her friends are mainly guys, they often go out to play sports. And you know who their first pick is? Yup you guessed it, Vanessa. Especially when it comes to soccer. She's like a vicious beats out there. A lot of the guys try to spot her, but they can't. The way she moves makes the guys feel demeaned because they can't do anything to get her or win against her.

Background: Vanessa was born and raised in New York and lived a majority of her life in the Upper East of Manhattan. She lived with her mother, father, two older brothers Romeo and Donatello, her twin brother Mercutio and her little brother Antonio. Since her father was a well known music producer and her mother was a professional ballet dancer, their children lived the life of the rich of famous, but they didn't let it go to their head. When Vanessa was 8 her parents got divorced and her father, JinYoung decided he wanted to move back to South Korea with his kids. Her mother, Liliana didn't want her kids to move half way around the world so she filed a law suit. The custody battle lasted for 6 months; since the judge ruled in JinYoung's favor he was given full custody of the children and was allowed to move where ever he wanted, even if that place was on the other side of the globe.
When the family got to Korea they wondered where they would stay since they didn't have any family in Seoul. JinYoung decided to ask a favor from his childhood friend Jung SunHee, who gladly accepted the three children and their father. SunHee was a fairly rich woman who lived in a huge mansion by herself. When Vanessa was 9 her father was offered a job at YG entertainment to be one of their music producers, that made him an offer he couldn't refuse. When Vanessa was 12 SunHee and JinYoung got married which made SunHee her step-mother.
When Vanessa and Mercutio turned 13 they began to post numerous videos on YouTube of them singing, dancing and rapping. A talent agent form YG saw one of their videos and wanted to bring them in to audition. YG had no idea that JinYoung's kids were so talented and he playfully scolded him for not making them audition sooner.

Idols: BoA- She is the first person Vanessa heard on the raido when she arrived in Korea. She used to watch her music videos and try to dance and sing like her. BoA is her role model and is the reason why Vanessa wanted to become an idol.

  • Family & Friends
  • Fashion
  • Luxury Goods
  • Gossips
  • Ice Cream
  • Herself
  • Money
  • Spicy Foods
  • Photography
  • Korean Dramas & Japanese Anime
  • Action & Comedy Movies
  • Star Gazing
  • Music
  • Fashion
  • Vintage Clothing
  • Pastel Colors
  • Music
  • Fairy Tales
  • Stuffed Animals


  • Spiders
  • Thunder & Lightning
  • People who wear socks with sandals
  • Being asked stupid questions
  • Early Mornings
  • Blueberries
  • Cucumbers & Pickles
  • Raw tomatoes
  • Clowns
  • Dark, cramped places
  • Anyone who hurts her loved ones
  • Silence 
  • Following Rules


  • Speaking her mind
  • Ruffling her hair when she is nervous
  • Skin-ship with close friends and family
  • Curses in Italian when she is pissed
  • Sticks her tongue out randomly whenever she feels like it
  • Bouncing her leg/ tapping her foot when she's sitting
  • She hits, slaps or inflicts pain on people when she's pissed usually Leonardo
  • When she's bored, she eats
  • Covers her face while laughing
  • Cracks her knuckles when she's bored
  • While eating yogurt she prefers to drink it instead of using a spoon
  • Starts speaking Italian when confused
  • Turns pink whenever the guy she likes compliments her
  • Automatically flirts back with boys, only if they start flirting with her first


  • Taking Pictures
  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Rapping
  • Playing her musical instruments
  • Watching Movies & Japanese Anime
  • Shopping
  • Eating
  • Hanging out with her brothers and friends
  • Playing with her puppies
  • Listening to Music
  • Playing with her puppy
  • Taking bubble baths
  • Designing clothes
  • Watching Korean Dramas & Japanese Anime

Trivia : 

  • She has a dog- Luna
  • Her favorite colors are- Hot Pin    k | Lime Green | Sky Blue     | Blac       k  
  • She has an obsession for: Pikachu, Eminem (the rapper), DBSK, Cherries, Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream
  • Favorite K-pop girl groups: 4minute, Brown eyed Girls, 2ne1, Kara & Wonder Girls
  • Favorite K-pop boy bands: DBSK, Big Bang, 2pm, Shinee, Super Junior, Ft Island, U-Kiss, Infinite, B.A.P, Teen Top & MBLAQ
  • Ultimate K-pop bias: Jung Yunho from DBSK
  • Favorite American Artists: Eminem, Nick Minaj, Demi Lovato, Beyonce, Justin Bieber & Chris Brown
  • Has a weak spot for kids
  • She never had her first kiss
  • Mimi never leaves her house without her: digital camera, iPod, beats headphones , her cellphone, her favorite pair of sunglasses or her little keychain that has all her keys that her twin brother gave to her
  • Vanessa tends to sleep in this position, she also talks in her sleep, you could have a full conversation with her while she's sleeping and when she wakes up she won't remember a thing
  • She is left handed
  • Vanessa begins to hiccup and giggle uncontrollably when she is drunk
  • Whenever she hears thunder or sees lightning she runs to a dark corner and sits in this position
  • She completely freaks out whenever she sees a spider
  • Her favorite flower is a White Rose
  • Is better at remembering faces than names

Famous Relatives? : Lee Joon from MBLAQ is her cousin from her father's side
Who is Your Character Most Like? People often compare Vanessa to Kim Hyuna because of the way they present themselves on stage. They both have this y, badass, firece image in the k-pop qorld that most girl idols don't have. They also have similar style and personality

Suggestions/Comments: Next Application


Username: Prettyangel25
Profile link : *Click Me*

Name: Mercutio Leonardo Lee
Stage Name: Melo- He couldn't think of a stage name and his sister came up with Leo so he just stuck with it
Any Other Nicknames:

  • Melo- Ever since he choose this as his stage name all of his friends and family ahve been calling him this
  • Lele- His sister calls him this
  • Leo- his brothers and band-mates call him this
  • Mr.Perfection- His friends call him this when they are teasing him

Age: 19
Birthday: 14/02/93

  • European
    • Italian- Her mother is 50% Italian
    • Cuban- Her mother is 50% Cuban
  • Asian
    • Korean- Her father is 100% Korean

Spoken Languages:

  • Fluent
    • Italian- Her mother tongue
    • English
    • Korean
  • Semi-Fluent
    • Chinese Mandarin
  • Basic/ Learning
    • Japanese

What Are You Auditioning For? 1-Lead Vocal, Main Dancer | Main Vocal, Lead Dancer | Main Vocal, Lead Rapper |

  • Dancing- Mercutio has been rapping since she was 3 years old. His mother was a professional ballet dancer and she was the one who influenced her children to begin to take dance lessons and become a dancer just like her.
  • Rapping- Rapping has always been something that Mercutio just enjoyed doing. He would often rap while he's writing songs to help him with the lyrics. When he raps his voice becomes very deep and husky which gives him this image as a y charismatic rapper
  • Singing- Mercutio has an amazingly y voice, he started taking vocal lessons when he was 8 years old. His voice is guaranteed to make any girl weak in the knees

Name of Ulzzang: Park Ji Ho
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Name of Backup Ulzzang: Park Sang Il
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

  • Mercutio doesn’t really have any particular dressing style. He buys what he likes and wears what make him feel comfortable. He dose however always wear skinny jeans and sneakers.
  • For formal events Mercutio isn’t afraid to wear colors like pink and purple. He actually prefers wearing pastel colors when he’s trying to dress up. He likes to wears suits with a loose top. He will sometimes accessorize with a watch and a hat, but that’s only when he’s in the mood to be wearing a hat or watch. Mercutio has an odd habit of only wearing white jeans if his shirt is dark and wearing dark jeans if his shirt is light – I guess he’s a fan of the contrast.
  • On stage, Mercutio likes to wear as little on as possible. On stage he’s warm and is bound to get sweaty – gross! – and let’s face it, there’s no way he’ll sweat like a pig in front of the ladies, and if he’s going to sweat like a pig he’s going to show off his beautiful six pack that he worked so hard to get; which is why he prefers to perform in a wife beater and ripped jeans; I mean could it get any simpler than that. The rest of his outfit he leaves to the stylists.
  • Piercings~ KISS
  • Tattoos~ CLAP YOUR HANDS


~In General ~ Mercutio is a total perfectionist who believes that everything and anything he does is “picture perfect”. If whatever he’s doing doesn’t come out “picture perfect”, it's flawed. If it’s not “perfect” then it's flawed. He's intelligent and artistic because of the amount of time he spends thinking, contemplating and perfecting every single thing he does. He has the highest standard in the group and excels in everything he does especially when it comes to the arts.

Because of the mere fact that Mercutio doesn't like doing half- jobs, he tends to do everything in such detail. He pays too much attention to detail and not enough to the big picture and that can sometimes get to him. He is very good at solving problems and finding answers to questions through tactical means and tends to believe that the greatest power is that one's own self desire and intelligence. When Mercutio makes a decision, it is very hard to yield his opinion once he has made-up his mind about something, he doesn’t care who you are, he’s not changing his opinion for nobody.

Mercutio often time has a hard time understanding the simple fact that other people don't always think or see things exactly the way he does. He sometime may misinterpret or become confused by those who disagree with him. He has a hard time seeing things the way others do because he normally doesn't care about other's opinion, especially when they seem just outright 'insane' to him. If he thinks someone else's differing opinions are stupid or insignificant, he sees no point in trying to understand where someone else is coming from in the first place, though he will make efforts from time to time depending on who you are.  

Mercutio is one of those people who have an incredible memory. At the end of every day, he can remember every single little detail that had taken place that day. He is able to observe every little thing around him and remember exactly when he saw it, where he saw it and who was there. He can even remember many things from his childhood with almost perfectly.  However having such a great memories has it faults too. Mercutio can’t seem to forget let go of painful memories from the past. His is constantly haunted by his past mistakes and it seems to have taken effect on him mentally, no matter how hard he trys he just can’t seem to forget.

Mercutio is a hopeless romantic waiting for “the one”. He has been in and out of countless relationships and they all ended badly. For Mercutio all of his relationships are very chaotic and they all ended badly because of the fact that the “perfect relationship” doesn’t exist and Mercutio being Mercutio, he won’t take anything less than perfect and he won’t stop until he does gets that “perfect relationship” he’s heart has been yearning for.

~On Stage/ Reality TV~ On stage Mercutio seems very suave, smooth, stylish and even very mature. When people see Mercutio they see a man, not just some little teenage boy but a man. At first glance he doesn’t seem at all like a teenager. Women old and young fall head over heels for his flirtatious behavior with what seems like everyone. Mercutio also appears like he has everything under control. He is handsome, talented and never seems to get tired.

~Around his friends/ band-mates~ Whenever Mercutio is around his friend he has a lot of jokes that are easy to get, and they're actually really funny. However, he also makes those occasional lame jokes as well. For example, when he thinks he's had enough of joking she would pull out one of her stupid puns. And yes, they're almost as lame as ahjumma jokes. They may not the funniest thing he has said, but his friends often give him the weird look like, "What the heck is wrong with you?"and then they laugh a lot afterwards. Not because of the joke, but because of how lame it was. And you know how usually it's the people who watch someone slip on a banana peel the people who watched the whole thing happen laugh, notthe guy who slips on the banana? Yeah, if it was him... he'd totally laugh at herself. But sometimes he uses his lameness to make his friends smile, especially when they're in the dumps and just can't seem to know what to do next. Mercutio treats his girl friends like bros. He absolutely cannot see them as relationship material. He punches their arms, slaps their backs and acts like the childish boy he really is when he’s with them. Even with his band mates he sees them as bros. He is very protective of the females in the group and can get very ‘in your face’ if you show any interest in them in a romantic way, especially his sister.

Background: Mercutio was born and raised in New York and lived a majority of his life in the Upper East of Manhattan. He lived with his mother, father, two older brothers Romeo and Donatello, his twin sister Vanessa and her little brother Antonio. Since her father was a well known music producer and his mother was a professional ballet dancer, their children lived the life of the rich of famous, but they didn't let it go to their head. When Mercutio was 8 his parents got divorced and his father, JinYoung decided he wanted to move back to South Korea with his kids. His mother, Liliana didn't want her kids to move half way around the world so she filed a law suit. The custody battle lasted for 6 months; since the judge ruled in JinYoung's favor he was given full custody of the children and was allowed to move where ever he wanted, even if that place was on the other side of the globe.
When the family got to Korea they wondered where they would stay since they didn't have any family in Seoul. JinYoung decided to ask a favor from his childhood friend Jung SunHee, who gladly accepted the three children and their father. SunHee was a fairly rich woman who lived in a huge mansion by herself. When Mercutio was 9 his father was offered a job at YG entertainment to be one of their music producers, that made him an offer he couldn't refuse. When Mercutio was 12 SunHee and JinYoung got married which made SunHee her step-mother.
When Vanessa and Mercutio turned 13 they began to post numerous videos on YouTube of them singing, dancing and rapping. A talent agent form YG saw one of their videos and wanted to bring them in to audition. YG had no idea that JinYoung's kids were so talented and he playfully scolded him for not making them audition sooner.

Idols: Bi Rain- Mercutio absolutly loves Rain, he is his ultimate role model. Rain was one of his major insprations when he was writing and composing music. He always dreamed of being as talented and famous as Rain was/ is.

  • His friends and family
  • Art
  • Sleep
  • Luxury Goods
  • Technology
  • Himself
  • Japanese Manga & Anime
  • Perfection
  • music
  • challenges
  • books
  • Talking with his sister
  • Looking good
  • Coffee & Bubble tea
  • Reading
  • Watching Movies
  • Writing song lyrics & poems


  • Skin-ship (touchy people; only allows skin-ship when it comes to his sisters)
  • Annoying Peoples
  • Nagging
  • Alcohol/ Drinking/ Drinkers
  • Smoking/ Smokers
  • Awkward Silences
  • Being Woken up from sleeping
  • Being lied to or cheated on
  • Bad Smells
  • Awkward Situations
  • Unnecessary Violence
  • Smoking/ Smokers
  • Failing/ Imperfection
  • Stupid people
  • Plaid
  • Looking ugly
  • Bad skin


  • Laughs until he tears up, and no sound will come out
  • Listening... when he feels like it. Has a selective hearing problem
  • his lips
  • Goes to his sister for advice
  • Winks at girls when he's flirting with them
  • Stutters while he's yelling when he's upset
  • If someone interrupts him while he's yelling at someone he starts to yell at them
  • Starts speaking Italian when he's confused
  • Curses in Italian when he's pissed
  • Gets mad if someone offends his sisters or friends
  • Taps his leg when he is really angry and wants to fight someone


  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Doodling
  • Sleeping
  • Shopping
  • Composing
  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Rapping
  • Photography
  • Solving problems
  • Playing instruments
  • Reading
  • Watching Movies
  • Playing Video Games
  • Composing Songs & Writing Song Lyrics & Poems
  • Writing
  • Listening to Music

Trivia :

  • He is Ambidextrous (he can write with both of his hands)
  • He is older than Daniella by 7 minutes
  • His Favorite colors are- Yello       w | Pine Green | Electric Blue
  • He goes after girls for their personality and not their looks
  • He has an obsession for: Coffee, Bubble Tea, Pepsi & Strawberry Pop-tarts
  • His favorite number is 10
  • Favorite K-pop girl groups: 2ne1, SNSD, 4minute, & Kara
  • Favorite Boy Bands: Big Bang, 2pm, Ft Island, MBLAQ, B.A.P, Shinee and Block B
  • Favorite American Artists: Eminem, Chris Brown, Ne-Yo & The Wanted
  • Is a momma's boy.
  • Hates it when his clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.
  • Perfection is his goal, but excellence can be tolerated.
  • When someone says "no", he hears it as "try again tomorrow."
  • He’s allergic to pineapples and coconuts
  • Irons his own clothes
  • He goes after girls for their personality and not their looks
  • Has an OCD of Obsessions Concerning Order, everything to be perfect, symmetrical, in order and the like.
  • His ideal girl is someone who understands him and loves him will all her heart and can put up with his obsession for perfection
  • Has a dog named Spike

Famous Relatives? Lee Joon is his cousin from his father's side
Who is Your Character Most Like?: People often compare him to his cousin Lee Joon because of the fact that they bpth love to show off their Godly abs. He also gets compared to G-Dragon because they are both triple threarts; they can both sing, dance, rap, compose music and write lyrics. Many people think that they look alike too.

Suggestions/Comments:  I really hope one of my twins gets picked to be in wishing fire. This story seems really good, I loved how you introdued your character, he seems really cool. I can't wait to see who you choose on the 24th ^^


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