What I Would Like In Someone I'd date

Why do you wanna know about me so much? >:U You stalkers.

What I would like in the person I date:

What name would you like? I don't care about names... Well. I'd probably not date them if they had a name I couldn't pronouce. Like Asklandhandalean.

What is the personality you prefer? I would like someone who is sweet, caring, and only payed attention to me... Because I get jealous easily... And I'd like it if they accepted my shyness.

What hair color? I don't really care, but I don't want it to be, like, pink or something.

What eye color? I don't care but I'm a er for blue eyes... But I guess that's only because my eyes are brown and I've only been around brown-eyed [GIRLS >:D. Anyone get it? No?] people all my life.

What sports would like like him/her to be in? I'm not an athletic person myself, so I don't care what sports this person is in. They can be in a billion different sports or they can be in none at all.

Nerdy or popular? Again, I do not care. I'd like this person to be around my academic level or a bit higher. Not 29034803298432 points higher. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes. And I don't like being corrected... >_<

Gamer or sporty? I'm a gamer and I don't like sports. But, I'd like this person to be a gamer so we can play videos together ^-^

Where would you like a date to be? Because I get guilty easily, I'd hate for this person to spend a lot of money on me. >_< That's one of my biggest frights. If someone liked me, I don't want them to spend a lot of money just for me. Maybe a movie night together? Play a couple video games?

Any other notes? Nope. But I'm wondering why you guys want to know about me. Are you trying to know a lot about me? You stalkers! >:U


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