Perfection's 3rd manager app v.v


Manager Application form


AFF Username: melonsmash

Profile Link:



Character (Manager)

Full Name: Jang Hae Bin
Nickname: Hae Bin, Binnie, Bin Bin -____-, Manager Bin

Age: 25
Birthday: June 1st, 1986

Background: He grew up to be the heir of one of the largest companies of the world, Eclipseque, a international jewel company which was a mere disguise for its true idenity, a very-top secret organization called Azure Revolution. It almost became suffocating throughout the years. Ever since he was 16, there were quite a lot of times, he was confined to his home, not allowed to get out and see the world beyond the walls without ‘proper’ accompaniment. The very few times he would be out of his home would be when he was still on their land or attending balls or important meetings with his mother and father. Business meetings and parties made him uncomfortable. There were always so many people, and while there would be those he knew, he didn’t like the thought of others being there that were waiting for a word to come out of his mouth everytime it was his turn, watching his every move like some hawk and judging him. Which leads to him being a bit too paranoid, only in that sense. But that's until one midnight, when it was raining extremely hard, he ran away, leaving his past behind him, and escaped to California. 

3 YEARS LATER, he comes back from California to start anew, not trying to remember a single thing from his childhood. He works at a coffee bar as a waiter, although only problem is that girls keep stopping by every day because they seem to cant resist his looks. He then lives in an apartment that he brought when he was still 16 so he would have a place to go to whenever he doesn't want to put up with his parents.  Later in life, he graduated from SNU as an art major.  Even though he graduated, he still liked to work as a waiter because it was fun.
 Ever since he was born, he was in a world where he would be confined to his home. Never really went out and never had some quality time. They would never eat together as one family. The only time they would all meet together are through company meetings. His parents would always treat him as if he was some kind of trophy you would win in some competition. Especially because he's the only child in the family.  
Personality: Jang Hae Bin, who prefers to be called Jason, tends to not talk much but that's only because he talks when he feels like it. Every time he says a word, everyone would always become speechless with his smart comments. Almost all the time (on-camera/off-camera), he looks cold-hearted and charismatic but he's really just a weird, hyper, random, warm, erted kid. Not only that, he is actually very smart and clever as he likes to think up plans for whatever he's planning to do, and it's always something that no one else would ever think of. He's also a good actor as well, as he can fool everyone with his acting and no one would suspect a thing. He doesn't really like to bring up his childhood because it'll just give him nightmares again at night. Also, he HATES to lost so he's very competitive. Whenever he meets someone new, he first observes them and their character very carefully. It would sometimes surprise them how he knows their fears and etc. He doesn't really open up to people that much but if you get very close to him, he'll slowly open up to you. Whenever he goes out to take pictures of whatever captures his eyes, he calls it "capturing the memories". He's also a bit of a romantic person. He'll also surprise you with his romantic tactics at times where he FEELS like being it. o_o Not only that, his neckline and his eyes have became something that girls try to not stare at but can't resist because it . . turns them on o__________________o
As time passes by, his usual character will change but them it comes back again. So now, basically he has a split personality. The personality of a cold-hearted person and a caring person. Sometimes, he would be very scary that gives people the automatic feeling of "LEAVE ME ALONE AND GET OUT". He regrets it as time passes by because sometimes it affects those he doesn't want it to affect but he just can't help it AT ALL. It can get worse but then sometimes it gets better and then it gets worse again so he can't really control it yet.
The female members are the only ones that make him feel like he wants to act like a brother. He would always take care of them as if they're his real siblings. He would cook and help them with friendship and relationship advice.  He would also sometimes take them out to eat and go shopping. 
 Likes: Coffee, books, roses, dark chocolate, poetry, music, banana milk, art, photography, motorcycles, romantic things, 
cameras, his laptop, fashion, cooking, food, being healthy LOL. steak, cream pasta


Dislikes: Bossy people, annoying/irritating people, girls trying to hit on him, girls that act and dress like a , girls that just want attention, those who try to hurt his friends and beloved dongsaengs, guys squealing over "hawt" girls, seafood, chocolate-flavored ice cream, and plastic surgery

HobbiesReading books, writing, sleeping, painting landscapes, taking pictures, composing songs, working out, composing music, listening to music, tennis, volleyball, swimming, playing the piano + violin + guitar, riding his motorcycle

Habits: Excerises alot, drinks alot of water, glares alot, cracks knuckles, being late, his lips, fixing random strands of his hair, and putting first things first



o   His blood type is AB
o   He is an only child
o   A big fan of BoA.
o   He speaks 7 languages (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian, and Thai) VERY FLUENTLY
o   He can master anything in just seconds (dance choreography, etc.)
o   He's very talented at writing songs and cooking
o   He is very observant (observes people's behavior very closely)
o   He is good at forming plans and calculations (he would be VERY helpful if you're in the prackster club)
o   He is skilled in hapkido and kendo
o   He has good endurance and stamina
o   He has a soft spot for dogs
o   He can write with BOTH hands
o   His favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip
o   He mostly wears contacts since he has horrible eyesight, but sometimes he reads books with glasses instead o_o
o   He is best known for his handsome looks, doing ALOT of skinship, and also because he's very romantic
o   He can make others easily distracted
o   He is very sneaky ; like a NINJA ! :0
o   A backup dancer for Rain (Bi)
o   His favorite songs are Hands Up by Big Bang (jap vers) and Obbession by SHINee
o   His favorite color combination: Royalblue + Grey
o   He starts to cuss in English when he gets very angry
o   His catchphrases : "Wanna die?! D<" and "SHUT UP -_-" (btw the faces are there to show . . ____ cant think of the 
following word XD)








Pictures please: 

Name of ulzzang: Yu Ha Min






Love life

Past partner: SNSD's Yuri
Current crush: G.NA



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KimRyuYoung #2
Hwaiting ~ Hope you get chosen !