I found it weird... .___.

Well. Just something I wanna share again xD



I have a friend. Yeah. She's really quiet that she received an award. "Miss Loner" <-- LOL. 

When she sees me even if i didn't notice her, she would come infront of me and say hello/wave her hand. 

But that's not what i'm going to tell you xD 


It's just that since last year...

I feel something staring at me and search the clssroom and I caught her red-handed. 

   [I love this GIF! xD ]

She was staring at me and the weird part is that...



She will look away. Is she stalking me ? LOL xD 

And If i look blankly at her (I'm just playing cool. xD) she will blush... .______. And smile too xD And if someone told her to return my things to me, she will call me and if I smile at her and thank her,

She will cover her face like hiding something.  And if i ask her something, she will cover her face .___. And if she do that, I asked her.. 'o.O What's wrong with you? ' she would just shook her head. 

And last few days, I caught her again staring at me, I stared at her. Longer than hers. xD She will blushed madly xDD


And I find it weird. Really(?) weird. but not really.. xDD


And if same thing happens to you, do you find it weird? xD LOL


(I love the GIFS!!! xD and it's not mine xD )


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