L U C I D R EA M I N G & O W L C I T Y

So,yesterday night when i was suppose to be updating ''Beautiful Ending,'' I was listening to Owl City's new EP Album,Shooting Star. EVERYTHING IS SO B E A U T I F U L. I am listening to Owl City as i type this post.He is probably one of my favourite singer. The lyrics just relates to everyone and his voice-angelic.


I know, you're gold.


I know, i know.

I don't even need the stars in the night,i've found my treasure.

All i need is you by my side.''

If only Kevin sang this to me while we have  I love Adam Young~

Ah,I was unable to fall asleep yesterday night even though it was so late(4:30AM) so i decided to do 

''L U C I D R E A M I N G.''

So with a help of Google,I had my dream journal by my side and i recorded the dream i intended that is to fly around the Eiffel Tower when i see Kevin and he starts waving at me. SO UM the conditions for Lucid Dreaming was

1)No sounds

2)Ignore all the brain signals like wanting to roll over and stuff

3)No movements

WELL,i did everything and my mind started feeling numb and there was this amazing sensation in my mind as my eyelids roll back something like illusions of fumes and smokes wow it was so fun when my sister decided to destroy it for me by coughing. I ACTUALLY GOT SO MAD TO I FARTED INTO HER FACE >:)

I'm gonna try again tonight and maybe complete some homeworks too~ Adios.


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LOL you addict @OtakuKJ
OtakuKJ #2
Omg, lmao. Next Time just imagine having . I bet it'll HELP.