>> Kingkas Are Not Everything Application Form <<


The Daredevil


My Aff Life


AFF account name : thecakeisthetruth

AFF profile link : Here

Actineness : 8/9 


Character`s Life


Character`s name : Kayley Yin

Nicknames : Kay-Kay 

Age : 17

Birthdate : [ 15/ 08 / 1994 ]

Birthplace : [ Seattle ,Wasington USA]

Hometown : [ Same as the Above]

Ethnicity : Chinese-American

Languages : English,Chinese(Mandarin,Korean(Even though she forgets somethimes) and Cantonese


 Am I Pretty ??


Ulzzang`s name : Do Hew Ji

Ulzzang`s links : 0 0 0 0

Back-up ulzzang name : Ulzzang Pony

Back-up ulzzang links : o o  o 

Clothes style :       Casual     Ballwear  Pajamas (The one on the right, Just without the wig and not a dude LOL)


It`s My Personal Info 


Personality : Kayley love to have fun. Even if its not the right time to be. Daring and Shameless you dare her to do any thing and she will do it. Even if it involves public Humiliation. She is very internet influenced this means, Rage comics Memes and Macros ect. She is very random too, On what she does or what she say. Like to mess around ALOT so she isn't what you call Perfect Student Material. But Under her confident exterior she is Qiute shy and at time a little nervuos especially if the Kingaks are around. She doesn't care on what people think about she is only here to have Fun and Enjoy life whilst she can.Her attitude though can be y at times to people she does not like and Does swear alot in her every day vocabulary.But she is a very good leader.

Serious and bound by loyalty she is your person to lean on. So, silly and daring at times, serious and a workaholic at others. A real mix. But not your Cutesy 'omogoshie' girl Some say she is a tomboy cuase she has ALOT of male friends. If anything suggestive come up she cannot help but just RLAB, fanfiction also make her RLAB too.

Background History : Her Friend who came from Korea Had told all these wonderful thing about it to her Pearents. And when the oppourtunity came They sent Her there. At first, she suffered from Culture shock, Luaguage Barriers and Home sickness , she slowly got used to it. She is Internet Famous because of her youtube videos and blog. 

Likes : The internet,Burgers,Sleeping,Music,Doing Dares,Rollercoasters,Reading,Playing videogames and watching anime (Bleach FTW!!)Dancing and dubstep

Dislikes : y People,

*Couples that need to 'Get a Room'

*Maths Lessons,

*loosing stuff(Epecially Lip Balm)

*People invading her private 'Feng Shui' Room,

*Sterotypical People,



*crazy Kingka fangirls

 *and erted and flirty guys.

Hobbies : Playing badminton,


*Eating Sugary foods(A sweet tooth)

*Having fun,

*Doing Dares,

*Acting like a 6 year old,

*Making fun of people she hates,


and Writing Gothic Fiction.

Talents : A really good badminton player,

*Can eat really hot chillies,

*a good mathmetician,


*and Imitating crazy fangirls and people(Her best impression is of the FOB accent, She sometime talk like this to anny people....Troll)

Habbits : Always checks if electronic are off before going to bed,

*Checks if you have done Maths Homework

* checks if the light are off at night

*and always chooses dare in a truth ot dare game

And now the bad: Being lound and rude and y to people that p**** her off,

*Being a bit violent and agressive

*and Not cleaning up after herself(eg.Her room)

Trivia / special facts about you : Wanted to be a superhero when she was younger,

*Has dated one guy in her life so far,

*Likes jelly beans,

*loves to watch action and horror films,

*Is popular on the internt,

*has two phones(A blackberry for texting and a iphone for the apps)

*can be a litte erted at times,

*Wants to learn French and Italian,

*is an Otaku(Anime geek)

*She need glasses but she wears circle lenses,

*has quite a dark vioce despite her apperance

*and one time she has drank alcohol even though she isn't legal....(It was a dare...)


Weakness : The kingkas (Maybye its embarssment) Her Mom and Her Grades(She wants to do good in school)


My Family And Friends~And also rival!


Family members : Father ,Mother and Brother


[ Parents ]

Name : Alan Yin

Age & birthdate : 16 bron in 1966

Occupation : A Plane engineer designing the engines and the wings

Relationship : She takes his daredevil trait form him. They are both very silly and love to make fun of people in chinese so some wont understand. But at time he can be a troll which annoys her alot.


 Name : Mary Yin

Age & birthdate : 39 born in 1973

Occupation : A hair Dresser for Famous People

Realtionship : Quite good. They like to talk and go shopping and do hair, but long ago they kinda hated eachother because her mom always used to pressurize her about getting good grades. But now it all good. For now.


[ Siblings ] [ idols are accepted but must be from the idol lists ^^ ]

Name : Liam Yin

Age & birthdate : 24 in 19988

Personality : Looks like the Daredevil Trait runs in the family. He is Funny and cool but also a troll at times.(If i use the term troll alot here is the definition) He is a Model so alot of girls like to crowd around him. He is very Modest


Friends: - [ you`re members are your bestfriends so I only asked about your friends - idols from the list only ]

Name : Leeteuk

Age : can he be 23 in the fic?? cause 29 is WAYY to old

Band : Super Junior

How do you meet : She met him when she was in seoul. They lived near eachother and have a very close relation ship with eachother. Some even though they where Dating. He is her Best 'guy Friend'


Name : G.O

Age :18

Band : MBLAQ

How do you meet : He is in the same maths class and are both the top mathmeticians of the class. He sits next to her and talks to her loads. They love to Mess about in class. One time she drew a lipstick mustache when he was asleep.(Not relavent but oh well)


Name : Dara

Age :18

Band : 2NE1

How do you meet : They kinda fought over the last burger in teh canteen. instead of becoming rivals they are now good friends, They are partners in art and love to draw with eachother. Also Freinds with the rest of 2NE1


Rivals : she has loads but this is the main

Name :Jessica Jung

Age : 17

Band : SNSD

Why are you two rival ? : She is the queen and cause Kayley hates es she hates her. Jessica knows her secret on who she likes and threatens to tell the whole school(Public Humiliation). Also she reported Kayley to the principle and told her Pearnts(Annonymously) About her messing around which made her mum REALLY MAD. So Kayley Beat her up. They hate eachother so much that Kayley wanted to sneak into her dorm and mess it all up in blind rage.(Grr...)


School Life Is Not Easy


Favourite subject : P.E (So she can mess round and look at the guys....The hot guys..)

Most hated subject : Maths(Even though she is really good at it she hate the teacher)

Rate your intelligence : 8/10 but in maths 10/10

Are you more to the quiet or noisy type? :The type that sits at the back of the class room and chucks Paper at the teacher when he is not looking. Really noisy and destactive and sometime she fall asleep cause she was on the internt all last night. Yet she always get high scores in tests.(How??)


The Love Of My Life 


Love interest : Lay (Zhang Yxing) age: 18,real brithdate 1991 Band: EXO!!M!!

Personality : Sweet caring and Funny. Really the type of guy that can melt you heart. Can be Random and weird at times but thats what make girls love him. Yet he has a very Michevious and playboy side that pranks the teachers and gets all the girls to um.... I wont go into detail.

How do you meet : Kayley was late for one lesson and she ran into him who was also 'late' for lessons(But really he was skipping) Because they spoke chinese they dissed their teacher behinde his back. She got mad though when he tried to flirt with her Even though she looked like she hated it, she was all like "asdfghjklasdfghjkl!!!!" over it. They have a complicated relationship,Like friends but also like a couple. Like to talk During Physical Sport and have private jokes about people.


Back-up love interest : Park Chanyeol age:18, real birthdate 1992 band: EXO!!!!K!!

Personality :Goofy. Well they don't call him they happy virus all for nothing.The class clown and your guy to go to for a good time. He loves scoring with hot girls and being poular with them, Rumour has it he has been out witth 13 girls in one month!!

How do you meet : at the canteen he tired to flirt with her, She siad no and pushed him away. Now ever since he has been trying to get with her with every chat up line ever. Like"If i could rearnge the alphabet, i would put u and i". She might like him back also, but is in denile.


Just A few Simple Questions For you~


What will you do when you found out that your best friend cheated behind you? : Beat the Living s*** outta them. Then say sorry and ask why the hell she would. Then she would eat a tub of ice cream and cry.

What will be the best present for you from your bestfriend on your birthday? : A trip skydiving ot at the amusement park.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? : Go in the internt on her Ipad

What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep? : Go on the internet or watch TV


This Is The End!


What room do you choose? : 5 or 2

Any suggestions for the story : Have like the good guys verses the es scene where they all confront eachother. I would like that alot ;3

Requested scenes? : The flirting scenes(With lay or Chanyeol) and the burger fight between Her and Dara(RLAB)

Password : Here  ^^

Kayy here iy is!!! gosh it took a while but its all worth it ;) Hope i get choosen ;3

bye bye!!



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