
Anyone here ever had the trouble of finding freaking Universities that you could actualy get into? LOL.

Well, my school went to a University convention thing where 100+ Uni's were there with their properctus' and people who you could speak too.

I only went to get a propectus from Cambridge, Oxford and York Uni...BUT THEY FREAKING RAN OUT OF CAMBRIDGE AND OXFORD -__-

So I settled for these since they do my course ... and they were on my list too anyway so I thought why not.

EACH PROPECTUS WEIGHS A FREAKING TONNE. I think i dislocated my shoulder..My shoulder still hurts from carrying these stupid things around for a day >__>

Anyone here heading to Uni next year? :')


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Oooh, I remember doing all of that stuff for University. Haha the books were never that huge though wow! Just wait, once you get accepted to and choose a University, there will be a ton of work with financial stuff and figuring out courses. It really only eases off once you actually start the school year XD

My university has an exchange agreement with Oxford and University of York! Woo!