I've Been Tagged!!! :P PART 3




1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

~ I used to love chocolate flavoured ice cream but lately I’ve been craving for fruit-flavoured ones. STRAWBERRY! I love strawberry...ice cream, yogurt, smoothie...but I haven’t eaten a real one yet.


2. If you had a chance go on vacation with your bias, where would you bring him to?

~ Somewhere that don’t have a lot of tourists. A secret island of some sort. I’m selfish, I want TOP for myself with ZERO distraction.


3. When was the last time you hide your emotions/feelings? Why?

~ Often times I NEED to keep my emotions/feelings in check which sorta means I need to hide it. Why? Because I’ve learned that letting your emotions dictate your actions tend to cause problems. Emotions properly expressed, on the other hand, can become effective tools in getting your message across.


4. Do you think your dream has certain message or it's just your subconscious mind?

~ Yes. Everything has some sort of meaning for me.


5. Would you tell me if one day you find your LOVE? Because I'm gonna be happy for you...

~ I’m going to throw a party once I find the love of my life. YES, YOU’RE INVITED!


6. Who was the last person telling you wise words or lesson of life? And what was it?

~ A highschool batchmate. He didn’t exactly give me an advice ‘coz he was directing it to everyone. He said something about the real measure of success, that it’s not about who’s making the most amt of money but it’s the person who loves what he does...something along that line.


7. Song of the day?

~ Happy Birthday song. My best friend and I just celebrated our birthdays. Mine was yesterday and hers today.


8. What would you do if your best friend accused you of something you didn't do?

~ We’d talk it out. She isn’t the type to accuse so it’s really hard to imagine this but we’d definitely talk it over.


9. Do you have any tradition from your culture that you keep doing until now? Why?

~ I’m not really the traditional type so I don’t really have any traditional practices. But I do enjoy learning about them.


10. What do you think or do when you see rainbow?

~ I admire it to the fullest. Rainbows are really pretty.


11. Is there any love story you love the most? Tell me about it.

~ Not to seem like I’m pimping my own story but I do love TOPxLisa’s story. lol. Other than that, I think Severus Snape’s (Harry Potter) love for Lily Potter is the most beautiful love story in modern literature. The way he turned his back and risked the wrath of the evil Lord Voldemort to keep Harry safe. How he endured Harry’s hate and kept silent about the dangers he put himself through for his sake. That last moment before Snape died when he asked Harry to let him look into his eyes because Harry had Lily’s eyes. TT___TT His unrequited love that remained unrequited until his last breath. It’s so beautifully heartbreaking. 


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mylizalife #1
thank you for answering my questions.. I know it's a very late comment. but wah.. number 2. yes yes everyone would love having Top in secret island. like it would be the time that "he is mine and mine only!"

I only read the 1st book of Harry Potter and havent seen the last movie of it. So I just knew that Snape's story. wah.. I really need to watch it soon.

thank you :)