Tagged :D





Guess what? I've been tagged xDDD

That's my first time :) 

So here it goes~



1. List the rules..

2. Answer the Q's your tagger set you then make up 11 of your own.

3.Tag 11 people and link them in your blog post. 

4.Let them know they were tagged (post a messaggi saying 'You have been tagged'..... or something more interesting)


1.    Who is your ultimate Bias and why?

Omo~ I don’t really know xD My bias changed all of the time until I realized that I can’t choose the best kpop idol out there, I love the all :3

2.    What was the first kpop song you saw,or just a kpop song that got you hooked?

First kpop song: I am the best by 2NE1. Then I listened to Lucifer by SHINee (the same day) :D

3.    If every member of SHINee asked you out,which one would you pick?

Another hard question~. I guess it would be Minho. I think he is the best one as a ‘bf’.

4.    If Super Junior invited you to their dorm,but you had something 10 times more important to do,would you go anyway?

It depends on what the other thing is. But 80% I would go xD

5.    What is your favorite girl group and why?

Um… I have two. f(x) and 2NE1. f(x) because I like their style and their songs and 2NE1 because they are crazy and they made me like kpop.

6.    So,you're on a date with Taemin,and you notice a T_T what do you do? (I am just using Taemin because he's my favorite in SHINee aha)

First: O.O. Then I would wait to see what he would do ;)

7.    What is the first thing that pops in your head when someone or something says 'kpop'?

SHINee xD oh and: BOOM SHAKA LAKA!!!!! >:D

8.    Your best friend is dieing in the hospital and you want to stay with her for her last few hours,but you get a oneway ticket to Korea and meet all your favorite kpop idols you ever dremed of.Which one is more important? (I know this is a dumb question because the answer is really obvious...but everyone has their own opinions,so...)

My best friend obviously :)

9.    B.A.P, EXO M+K,SHINee,Super Junior,SNSD,2NE1,Big Bang,U-KISS? Which one?

Only one? Then SHINee

10.Shawol,A+,Kiss Me,Elf? Which one are you?


11.What is your ultimate favorite kpop song,there can't be mroe than one.Just that ONE song that is your favorite. (mwahahaha...)

And the hardest question was this one. Damn I don’t know I like so many of them~~

I think that it is Obsession by SHINee, the one that Jonghyun wrote. It is really amazing…




1. What made you like kpop??

2. Do you watch anime? If yes, which is your favourite one and why?

3. I know this is overused but... your bias list pls?? :DD

4. Favourite kpop couple?? (it can be , yuri or whatever xP)

5. Which kpop idol would you marry, which one would you want us a buddy and which one would you kill? (You have to answer to all 3 of them, and with a different person each time :3)

6.Favourite kpop group?

7.Would you give up your life to be for one day with the group that you mentioned before?

8.Would you exchange lives with a kpop idol? If yes, which one?

9. SHINee or SuperJunior?

10. YG or SM?

11. Best maknae and Group Leader??? Why?? :):)


And I tagged these people:




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check out the aswers XD :D sry for being a doucheback and not tagging again buuut it's nearly 3 a.m. here and i had work until 1 a.m. and i'm just exhausted x_x so mianhae for the mistakes /typos) i definitly have made in that blog post and hope you like the aswers 8D
*bangs head against desk* do i need to? T_T ok well .. but you won't get away with this so easily *evil laughter* muhahahahaha =_= :D