Shall Me Know More About You? XD


Just a simple quiz to know all my friends better ;) [ Stolen from TiaraL unnie. XD. ]

Answer these questions if you dare.


1. What are some of your nicknames?
Phy. Yeonnie. Tiffi. Jae. I was dubbed as Malaysia once. Ask my friends why. 

2. What is your favourite colour?

Pearlescent blue. XD. My eternal fave. <3

3. Describe your personality. If you can.

My personality? XD. I'm a little too outgoing, a little loud and robust, sometimes I jump into conclusions really easily. But I could have a mature side too. That's when somebody I cherish dearly is in a slump or some sorts, and I lend a ear or a shoulder to them while I give them advice. ^^

4. Do you think you would be friends with me in real life and why?

Yes... Erm. Because we have quite a strong bond from internet, and we kind of know each other more and I'd like to find you soon. ^^ I hope you'll wait for me until I go all stalky and pedo over your house, unnie! XD.


It's simple. So do it. ^-^


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KpopCookie #1
Imma do it XD