Yes really. Another tag.


1. Who is your ultimate Bias and why?

I choose Ryeowook and L.Joe because I rawb dem~ (I really don't think you want the novel behind that)

2. What was the first kpop song you saw,or just a kpop song that got you hooked?

I listened to a 2ne1 song first but I forget which one.. Yeah. I'm so smooth..

3. If every member of SHINee asked you out,which one would you pick?

Metal rod.

4. If Super Junior invited you to their dorm,but you had something 10 times more important to do,would you go anyway?

Hell yeah!

5. What is your favorite girl group and why?

I choose Wonder Girls because they're incredibly awesome.

6. So,you're on a date with Taemin,and you notice a T_T what do you do? (I am just using Taemin because he's my favorite in SHINee aha)


7. What is the first thing that pops in your head when someone or something says 'kpop'?

...I'm sorry but the first thing that pops into my head is chicken, minecraft, and pokemon. Ask my brain where those came from because I have no idea.

8. Your best friend is dying in the hospital and you want to stay with her for her last few hours,but you get a oneway ticket to Korea and meet all your favorite kpop idols you ever dreamed of. Which one is more important? (I know this is a dumb question because the answer is really obviou..but everyone has their own opinions,so...)

I'd sell the plane ticket if there was enough time then well yeah. Hospital. Or maybe I'd ditch both to watch Mark XD

9. B.A.P, EXO M+K,SHINee,Super Junior,SNSD,2NE1,Big Bang,U-KISS? Which one?

All of the above.

10.  Shawol,A+,Kiss Me,Elf? Which one are you?

All. In order; ELF, A+, Kiss Me, Shawol.

11. What is your ultimate favorite kpop song,there can't be more than one.Just that ONE song that is your favorite. (mwahahaha...)

If I can't choose more than one then I don't choose one! Bleh.




And since I'm a lazy buttface I'm not doing the rest. Yeah. If you want to be tagged, make up your own questions and tagged yourself.


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