My Matoki Fanart Gallery~!

Apparently being on hiatus is boring the hell outta me, SO!

Although I am not updating my fics until mid-July, I am still active on AFF. * at being studious*

Oh, the wonders of having a phone with internet :DDDD



I have been drawing lately. When I am on my breaks in between my study sessions, I draw. On my iPad, that is. And recently, TS uploaded a few pictures of B.A.P's MaToki Earthventure~~ IT'S REALLY REALLY CUTE!

I have been inspired by those pictures, and decided to create a little fursona of my own.

Here's the final verdict:


Ladies and gentlemen, meet my fursona: JaeMato (Well, since my Korean name is Jae Yeon, so Jae + Mato)

After that, I tried imagining what was life like if JaeMato was living with our six other MaTokies, and so, a fanart gallery has been born.


(^ JaeMato and TotoMato [ZELO], burning ShishiMato's [BANG] PlayMato magazines)


(^ Attempting to work out under DadaMato's [Jong Up] supervision, while TatsMato [Him Chan] lazes nearby)


(^ Cam- with TatsMato [+His unstoppable aegyoooo~~])


(^ Having fun like the kids we are, while ShishiMato face-palms nearby)

Tutoring DadaMato. The Brain vs the Brainless. Haha~ TotoMato eating his tomato under the table :D


(^ I felt like doing this for fun. This picture has a story behind it. It took place when JokoMato [Young Jae, right] and KekeMato [Dae Hyun, left] first met)

JK: Hey missy, what are you doing here in our training hall?
KK: Who are you calling 'Missy', Joker?!
JK: Its Joko. And hey woah, this hall is for warriors ONLY. *Sips Coke* And no offence, babe, you don't belong here. So if you want, maybe later we can have lunch together or-

Haha, I plan to draw a comic about that after my mid-years. For now, sayonara, amigoes! (Wait, those are 2 different languages...)



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Forever_Sapphire #1
Wahh so nice! (tis is Wan Yun fr 294, btw ^^) jiayous fr ur studies! :D