I think these two look good together...


Lee Soo Hyuk is a model turned actor who is really close with Big Bang's TOP and GD... his most recent works are "Vampire Idol" and "What's Up"



I was watching "Strong Heart" the other day and as Lee Soo Hyuk started to talk about how he was told that he'd play the perfect vampire character I began to think who would look well with him; someone who would match his somewhat dark image... (he hasn't had many love lines in his past works)

And I came up with....(drumroll)


Lee Eun Sung!! She isnt that popular and hasnt done a lot of projects but her most recent works are "Take Off" and "I'm Happy"... and Epik High's "Fan" MV 

I really liked her and thought she'd get big but unfortunatly not yet -_-...

AnyWhooo I think they look good together!!~

The Dark/Vampire/etc. Couple!!~ What do you guys think?


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