I spy with my little eye, something starting with the letter R

Since I dont have any fan fics to share, I might aswell post something

1. What is your name: Rebecca

2. A four-letter Word: rose

3. A boy's Name: riley

4. A girl's name: ...rachel (a name which is commonly mistaken with mine ==")

5. An occupation: rat catcher LOOOL nah real estate agent

6. A color: rosy pink ;)

7. Something you'll wear: red coat :)

8. A school subject: religion and society (ahah what a joke)

9. Food: roast vegetables (yes I love my vegies)

10. Something found in the bathroom: rollers (for curling your hair)

11. A place: russia

12. A reason for being late: ran into a hot guy ;) (i wouldnt really use this as an excuse)

13. Something you'd shout: run!

14. Movie title: racing stripes

15. Something you drink: raspberry juice

16. A musical group: ... rania? wtf do they mean by musical group?

17. An animal: rabbit

18. A street name: really... rolle street

19. A type of car: rolls royce

20. The title of a song: ring ding doing ;D  


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