anni2604 asked for some drama recommendations

Oh really? :O I watch LOTS AND LOTS of dramas.... I''ve watched atleast 35 kdramas lol. x'D So ofcourse I can give you some recommendations!

Though, first: K2H is a shorter term for the drama "King 2 Hearts". It's so worth watching though it starts off a little slow ;a;
Some other dramas would be: "Shut Up! Flower Boy Band", "Rooftop Prince", "Love Rain", "My Girlfriend is a Gumiho" ... they are all in my list of top favorites :D Oh, and this drama called "Big" that is currently airing. It's by the Hong Sisters (the same ones who did "You´re Beautiful") and I think it's really good so far ^^


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I've only watched "Salamander Guru", and I'm not even sure if that's a drama or a soap opera. x_x Plus I haven't even finished it. xD